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. 2018 Apr 12;7(8):e007385. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.117.007385

Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics of Patients With Stable and Acutely Decompensated HFpEF

Characteristic S‐HFpEF (n=83) AD‐HFpEF (n=78) Overall (n=161) P Value
Age, years: n, median (25th–75th) 83, 72 (65–79) 78, 73 (65–79) 161, 72 (65–79) 0.970
Male sex 43/83 (51.8%) 39/78 (50.0%) 82/161 (50.9%) 0.819
Race (% white) 74/83 (89.2%) 62/78 (79.5%) 136/161 (84.5%) 0.091
Weight, kg (median, 25th–75th) 93.2 (80.5–103.6) 95.0 (79.1–112.3) 93.2 (80.5–108.2) 0.535
Body mass index, (median, 25th–75th) 32.3 (27.4–37.1) 33.6 (28.5–37.9) 32.9 (27.9–37.5) 0.163
Ejection fraction: n, median (25th–75th) 83, 62.0 (58.0–66.0) 78, 55.0 (55.0–61.0) 161, 60.0 (55.0–65.0) <0.001
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg: n, median (25th–75th) 83, 122 (113–137) 78, 119 (107–131) 161, 122 (112–135) 0.029
Heart rate, beats/min: n, median (25th–75th) 83, 69 (62–80) 78, 72 (65–84) 161, 72 (62–80) 0.073
JVP≥8 cm 36/80 (45.0%) 68/72 (94.4%) 104/152 (68.4%) <0.001
Edema≥2 12/83 (14.5%) 53/76 (69.7%) 65/159 (40.9%) <0.001
Hospitalization for heart failure in past year 29/83 (34.9%) 47/76 (61.8%) 76/159 (47.8%) <0.001
Hypertension 65/83 (78.3%) 69/78 (88.5%) 134/161 (83.2%) 0.085
Ischemia as cause of HF 33/83 (39.8%) 37/78 (47.4%) 70/161 (43.5%) 0.326
Atrial fibrillation/flutter 42/83 (50.6%) 55/78 (70.5%) 97/161 (60.2%) 0.010
Diabetes mellitus 29/83 (34.9%) 48/78 (61.5%) 77/161 (47.8%) <0.001
Orthopnea 45/78 (57.7%) 63/74 (85.1%) 108/152 (71.1%) <0.001
COPD 16/83 (19.3%) 27/78 (34.6%) 43/161 (26.7%) 0.028
NYHA class <0.001
II 40/83 (48.2%) 4/69 (5.8%) 44/152 (28.9%)
III 43/83 (51.8%) 50/69 (72.5%) 93/152 (61.2%)
IV 0/83 (0.0%) 15/69 (21.7%) 15/152 (9.9%)
Baseline anemia 25/83 (30.1%) 56/78 (71.8%) 81/161 (50.3%) <0.001
Medications at enrollment
ACE inhibitor or ARB 53/83 (63.9%) 30/78 (38.5%) 83/161 (51.6%) 0.001
Beta blockers 61/83 (73.5%) 64/78 (82.1%) 125/161 (77.6%) 0.193
Aldosterone antagonist 5/83 (6.0%) 20/78 (25.6%) 25/161 (15.5%) <0.001
Any diuretic 70/83 (84.3%) 76/78 (97.4%) 146/161 (90.7%) 0.004
Loop diuretic 64/83 (77.1%) 76/78 (97.4%) 140/161 (87.0%) <0.001
Calcium channel blocker 26/83 (31.3%) 25/78 (32.1%) 51/161 (31.7%) 0.921
Statin 54/83 (65.1%) 49/78 (62.8%) 103/161 (64.0%) 0.767
Laboratory values
Sodium, mg/L: n, median (25th–75th) 75, 140 (138–142) 78, 139 (137–142) 153, 140 (137–142) 0.127
Blood urea nitrogen, mg/dL: n, median (25th–75th) 68, 25.1 (18.7–35.0) 78, 33.5 (26.0–49.0) 146, 30.0 (22.0–44.0) <0.001
Creatinine, mg/dL: n, median (25th–75th) 83, 1.2 (0.9–1.5) 78, 1.6 (1.3–1.9) 161, 1.4 (1.1–1.8) <0.001
NT‐pro BNP, pg/mL: n, Median (25th–75th) 83, 648.1 (352.9–1334) 78, 3146 (1583–5747) 161, 1482 (596.0–3172) <0.001
eGFR, mL/min; n, median (25th–75th) 83, 53.5 (39.0–71.4) 78, 40.0 (30.0–48.9) 161, 45.6 (34.5–57.7) <0.001
Baseline core lab cystatin C value (mg/L): n, median (25th–75th) 83, 1.4 (1.0–1.8) 78, 1.7 (1.4–2.1) 161, 1.6 (1.2–2.0) <0.001

P‐values for continuous variables: Wilcoxon Rank‐Sum test. P‐values for Categorical variables: Pearson chi‐square test or Fisher's exact test. ACE indicates angiotensin converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; HFpEF, heart failure with a preserved ejection fraction; JVP, jugular venous pressure; NT‐pro BNP, N‐terminal pro b‐type natriuretic peptide; NYHA, New York Heart Association.