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. 2018 Mar 14;7(6):504–509. doi: 10.15171/ijhpm.2018.20

Table. Characteristics of the Transparency Provisions in Different EU Member States .

Type of policy
Industry self-regulation Y Y Y Y Yc Y Y Y
Government Y Y Y
Target industries
Pharmaceutical industry Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Medical device industries Y Yd Y
Health professionals covered
Physicians Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Non-physicians Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Organisations covered (eg, hospitals, medical centres, Universities, medical societies)
Y Y Y Y Ye Y Yf Y Y Y Y
Individual data
Mandatory data release Yg Y Y Y Y
Consent required Y Y Y Y Y Y
Threshold for disclosure
€500/year per company
Types of payments excluded from disclosure
Meals and drinks Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Drug samples Y Y Y Yh Y Y Y Y Y Y
Transfers of value related to OTC drugs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Small gifts, education or promotional materials Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Other # ¨ *
Location of the data and searchability
Centralised searchable registry Y N/Ai
Centralised searchable registry with no possibility for data extraction Yj Yj Y
Separate PDFs or weblinks on a single website Y Y Y N/A
Separate PDFs on each company website Y Y Y Y N/A
Data access judged to be user-friendly
N N N N N N Partial N Y Partial N/A

Abbreviations: DE, Germany; ES, Spain; FR, France; IT, Italy; LV, Latvia; NL, The Netherlands; SE, Sweden; UK, United Kingdom; PT, Portugal; EFPIA, European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations; EU, European Union; OTC, over-the-counter.

a In Latvia governmental and industry regulation coexists, with complementary roles.

b The EFPIA Code is included for comparison with national codes.

c Mixed: Code developed by a multi-stakeholder organisation, CGR, with support for the central database by the Dutch Ministry of Health and management by an independent foundation (Stichting Transparantieregister Zorg).

d Payments from medical devices companies reported as of 2016; governed by another Code (not assessed for the purpose of this paper).

e Does not cover universities but covers foundations or associations affiliated to universities.

f Only covers organisations that subscribe to the Code; others can join on a voluntarily basis.

g Payments made from January 1, 2017 do not require prior individual consent by Healthcare Professionals and will be published on an individual basis except for transfers of value related to R&D which will remain being published on an aggregate basis.

h Samples reported under different regulatory requirements.

i Mandates publication on a publicly available platform, either on a company website or centralised.

j Partly searchable. In the Netherlands, searching is possible by beneficiary, not by company.

# Only the following payments are covered: organising and sponsorship of promotional and scientific events attended by specialists (includes travel and accommodation); support to specialist professional associations and medical institutions for scientific or professionally oriented event.

♦ Research costs excluded, except for some non-interventional research.

* Cost of travel, accommodation or fees for conference participation are irrelevant (although not formally excluded) as this is not allowed in the Swedish industry code.