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. 2018 Jun 10;2018:5827986. doi: 10.1155/2018/5827986

(b) Raw beef meat estimates of days fixed effects.

Parameter Estimate Std. Error df t Sig. 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Intercept 7.467589 0.246726 26.643 30.267 0.000 (∗∗∗) 6.961032 7.974147
Trial 1 -2.190545 0.334916 23.708 -6.541 0.000 (∗∗∗) -2.882229 -1.498862
Trial 2 -3.072563 0.334916 23.708 -9.174 0.000 (∗∗∗) -3.764247 -2.380879
Trial 3 -2.595970 0.334916 23.708 -7.751 0.000 (∗∗∗) -3.287653 -1.904286
Trial 4 0.028207 0.334916 23.708 0.084 0.934 (ns) -0.663477 0.719891
Trial 5 0a 0 . . . . .
Day 0.489768 0.070900 21.369 6.908 0.000 (∗∗∗) 0.342479 0.637057
Trial 1 × Day 0.103902 0.080060 23.708 1.298 0.207 (ns) -0.061443 0.269246
Trial 2 × Day -0.836490 0.080060 23.708 -10.448 0.000 (∗∗∗) -1.001834 -0.671146
Trial 3 × Day 0.080347 0.080060 23.708 1.004 0.326 (ns) -0.084998 0.245691
Trial 4 × Day 0.005842 0.080060 23.708 0.073 0.942 (ns) -0.159502 0.171186
Trial 5 × Day 0a 0 . . . . .

a : this parameter is set to zero because it is redundant. Std. Error: standard error, df: the degrees of freedom, t: Student's t-statistic, and Sig.: the p-value (associated with the correlation). Trial 1: BF1 (control sample), Trial 2: BF2, Trial 3: BF3, Trial 4: BF4, and Trial 5: BF5. ns: P>0.05, ∗∗∗: P<0.001.