Table 1.
SWOT Analysis of the Initiative
Strengths | Weaknesses |
Presence of health disparities champions | Complex organizational structure |
Access to dedicated IT resources | Mandates to streamline scheduling and registration |
Buy-in from leadership | Limited space for collecting SDH in clinics |
Enterprise-supported patient portal | Low percentage of patients using the patient portal |
Commitment to create firewalls to protect data and ensure use to improve quality | Limited experience managing at-risk groups |
Prior experience collecting SDH for research | |
Deployment of registries | |
Opportunities | Threats |
Expansion of the value-based purchasing portfolio | Competing demands for IT resources |
Improve quality of care and pay-for-performance gaps | Multiple requests for EHR-based surveys |
Intramural and extramural recognition of the impact of SDH on outcomes and metrics | Potential changes in leadership and prioritiesLack of guidelines on how to use SDH in clinical operations |
Development of better risk models | |
Community partnerships | Privacy and legal concerns |
Lack of buy-in by clinic personnel |
EHR, electronic health record; IT, information technology; SDH, social determinants of health; SWOT, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats.