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. 2018 May 16;4:2055207618776454. doi: 10.1177/2055207618776454
#1 (physical* AND activ*) OR sit OR sits OR sat OR sitting OR MH ‘Physical Fitness+’ OR fitness OR MH ‘Walking+’ OR walk* OR MH ‘Stair Climbing’ OR (‘stair*’ AND ‘climb*’) OR MH ‘Physical Mobility’ OR ‘physical mobility’ OR sport* OR MH ‘Sports+’ OR MH ‘Sports, Disabled’ OR cycling OR cycle* OR bicycle* OR MH ‘Jogging’ OR jog* OR MH ‘Running+’ OR MH ‘Running, Distance’ OR run* OR MH ‘Motor Activity’ OR ‘motor activ*’ OR MH ‘Movement’ OR movement* OR distanc* OR MH ‘Cardiorespiratory Fitness’ OR MH ‘Exercise’ OR exercis* OR ‘High-Intensity Interval Training’ OR HIIT OR exertion* OR MH ‘Resistance Training’ OR ‘energy expend*’ OR ‘metabolic equivalent*’ OR ‘heart rate*’ OR MH ‘Life Style, Sedentary’ OR sedentar* OR inactiv*
#2 mobile* OR phone* OR iPhone* OR smartphon* OR smart-phon* OR ‘smart phon*’ OR MH ‘Smartphone’ OR MH ‘Mobile Applications’ OR app OR apps OR MH ‘Fitness Trackers’ OR wearable* OR tracker* OR acceleromet* OR MH ‘Accelerometry’ OR pedomet* OR (step* AND count*) OR smartwatch* OR ‘smart watch*’ OR ‘smart-watch*’ OR ‘apple watch’ OR ‘basis band’ OR ‘misfit shine’ OR ‘misfit flash’ OR withings OR garmin OR jawbone OR samsung OR ‘microsoft band’ OR nike OR (polar AND watch*) OR ActiPal OR ActiGraph OR fitbit OR exergam* OR gamifi* OR ‘serious gam*’ OR ‘mobile gam*’ OR ‘pokemon go’ OR ‘tablet PC*’ OR ‘tablet computer*’ OR ipad* OR JITAI OR ‘just-in-time-adaptive intervention*’ OR monitor* OR ‘quantified sel*’ OR quantified-sel*
#3 accept* OR expectation* OR impress* OR thought* OR think* OR subjectiv* OR perspective* OR prefer* OR feel* OR felt OR feasib* OR usab* OR accept* OR engag* OR satisf* OR experienc* OR perceiv* OR belief* OR intent* OR believ* OR attitude* OR MH ‘Attitude’ OR MH ‘Attitude to Computers’ OR MH ‘Attitude to Health’ OR barrier* OR motivat* OR facilitat* OR user-experienc* OR ‘computer human interaction’ OR ‘human computer interaction’ OR ‘computer-human interaction’ OR ‘human-computer interaction’ OR HCI OR ‘user centered’ OR ‘user centred’ OR ‘user-centred’ OR ‘user-centered’ OR ‘human-centred’ OR ‘human-centered’ OR ‘human factor*’
#4 ‘framework analysis’ OR framework synthe*’ OR ‘framework theory’ OR qualitativ* OR MH ‘Qualitative Studies+’ OR MH ‘Grounded Theory’ OR ‘grounded theory’ OR multimethod* OR multi-method* OR ‘multi method*’ OR ‘mixed method*’ OR mixed-method* OR ‘mixed design*’ OR ‘mixed-design*’ OR MH ‘Motivational Interviewing’ OR MH ‘Interviews+’ OR interview* OR MH ‘Focus Groups’ OR ‘focus group*’ OR narrat* OR MH ‘narratives’ OR phenomenol* OR discourse* OR theme* OR subtheme* OR sub-theme* OR thematic OR ‘think aloud’ OR ‘think-aloud’ OR ‘cognitive walkthrough’ OR ethnograph* OR realist OR ‘documentary analys*’ OR participatory OR ‘action research’ OR ‘audio record*’ OR ‘video record*’
#5 TI (child* OR adoles* OR girl* OR boy* OR youth* OR teen* OR kid OR kids OR paediat* OR pediat* OR preschool* OR pre-school* OR nurser* OR kindergart* OR kindergard* OR school* OR ‘young people’ OR infant* OR toddler*)
#6 #1 AND #2 AND #3 AND #4
#7 #6 NOT #5