Expression of GγΔ impairs membrane G-protein function. (A) Expression of GγΔ shifts Gβ-subunit to cytosol. The distribution of Gβ protein between membrane (M) and cytosol (C) in AX2 and GγΔ/AX2 cells was examined with Western blotting, with the use of Gβ antibody as a probe. (B) The coupling of cAR1 and membrane G-protein in AX2, Gγ/AX2, GγΔ/AX2, gβ−, and cAR1/gβ− cells was examined by the GTPγS-induced inhibition of 3H-cAMP binding assays. The average results of three representative experiments were presented. (C) The aggregation assays were carried out on nonnutrient plates. The photo was taken at 0 and 24 h of development. Each assay was repeated at least three times, and their average is presented.