Table 2.
Associations of MDDS with cognitive function, cognitive intervention, daily habits, and genotype.
Study | Variables of Interest | Design | Subjects | Putamen | Caudate Nucleus | Globus Pallidus | Thalamus | Other Areas |
Takeuchi, Taki, Sekuguchi, Hashizume, Nouchi, Sassa, Kotozaki, Miyauchi, Yokoyama, Iizuka, Nakagawa, Nagase, Kunitoki and Kawashima [6] | Verbal creativity of divergent thinking | Cross-sectional Correlation |
895 young (20.8 ± 1.8 years) |
n.s. (WB, ROI) |
n.s. (WB, ROI) |
B (−) (WB, ROI) |
n.s. (WB,ROI) |
n.s. (WB) |
Takeuchi, Taki, Hashizume, Asano, Asano, Sassa, Yokota, Kotozaki, Nouchi and Kawashima [62] | Full scale IQ | Cross-sectional Correlation |
253 children (age:-) | L (−) (WB) |
n.s. (WB) |
n.s. (WB) |
(−) (WB) |
Left hippocampus, left insula, left Heschl gyrus, contingent white-matter areas (−)(WB) |
Takeuchi, Taki, Hashizume, Asano, Asano, Sassa, Yokota, Kotozaki, Nouchi and Kawashima [62] | Verbal IQ | Cross-sectional Correlation |
253 children (age:-) | L (−) (WB) |
n.s. (WB) |
n.s. (WB) |
(−) (WB) |
Left hippocampus, left insula, left Heschl gyrus, contingent white-matter areas (−)(WB) |
Takeuchi, Taki, Hashizume, Asano, Asano, Sassa, Yokota, Kotozaki, Nouchi and Kawashima [62] | Performance IQ | Cross-sectional Correlation |
253 children (age:-) | L (−) (WB) |
L (−) (WB) |
L (−) (WB) |
(−) (WB) |
Widespread gray and white-matter areas across the wide range of areas in the whole brain (−)(WB) |
Takeuchi, Taki, Nouchi, Hashizume, Sekiguchi, Kotozaki, Nakagawa, Miyauchi, Sassa and Kawashima [67] | Working memory training | Intervention | 34 young of the intervention (21.0 ± 1.6 years) vs. 17 young of the passive control (21.2 ± 2.4 years) | R (+) (WB, ROI) |
B (+) (WB, ROI)* |
n.s. (WB, ROI) |
n.s. (WB, ROI) |
Left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, right substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area right anterior cingulate cortex (+)(ROI) |
Takeuchi, Taki, Hashizume, Asano, Asano, Sassa, Yokota, Kotozaki, Nouchi and Kawashima [62] | Length of videogame play | Cross-sectional Correlation |
240 children (11.5 ± 3.1 years) |
B (+) (WB) |
B (+) (WB) |
B (+) (WB) |
L(+) (WB) |
Extensive gray and white-matter areas that mainly spread around the anterior parts of the brain (+)(WB) |
Takeuchi, Taki, Hashizume, Asano, Asano, Sassa, Yokota, Kotozaki, Nouchi and Kawashima [62] | Length of videogame play | Longitudinal predictive analysis | 189 children (14.5 ± 3.0 years) |
B (+) (WB) |
B (+) (WB) |
L (+) (WB) |
B(+) (WB) |
Sporadic gray and white matter around Left frontal, occipital, temporal, fusiform, Right temporal, Heschl gyrus, right insula. (+)(WB) |
Takeuchi, Tomita, Taki, Kikuchi, Ono, Yu, Sekiguchi, Nouchi, Kotozaki and Nakagawa [14] | 5-repeat allele of dopamine receptor D4 | Carriers vs. non-carriers Cross-sectional |
756 subjects (age:-) | R (+) (WB) |
R (+) (WB) |
R (+) (WB) |
R(+) (WB) |
Widespread areas of the gray and white-matter areas of the whole brain, particularly dorsal part (+)(WB) |
“R,” “L,” “B” indicate findings in the right hemisphere, left hemisphere, and bilateral hemispheres, respectively. (+) indicates positive correlations or increased MD and (–) indicates negative correlations or decreased MD. (WB) indicates results of whole brain analyses. (ROI) indicates the results of ROI analyses. n.s. represents “not significant”. n.a. represents ”not analyzed”.
• Significant results were found only in the right caudate by whole brain analyses. In ROI analysis, significant results were found in the bilateral caudate.