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. 2018 Jun 19;9:1307. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.01307

Table 2.

Major differences in concentration (μM) among phospholipid (PC, SM, PE, PS, PI, and PA) and lysophospholipid (LPC, LPE, LPS, and LPI) species present in bovine raw milk samples (M1, M2, and M3) that were either cold-stored at 6° C for 7 days (C7) or additionally flushed with N2 (N7).

Phospholipid classes and species C7 (n = 3) μM N7 (n = 3) μM C7-N7 μMa PROPOSED PLases or SMases

Lipidomics data Microbiological data
PC class
Major LPCs
14:0 0.23 0.04 +0.18 PLA, PLB
16:0 0.76 0.27 +0.49 PLA, PLB
18:1 1.98 0.18 +1.80 PLA, PLB
18:2 0.40 0.04 +0.36 PLA, PLB
Major PCs 27.21 55.60
30:0 4.77 6.34 -1.57 PLA, PLB PLCd
32:0 4.63 6.57 -1.93 PLA, PLB PLC
34:1 8.82 17.59 -8.77 PLA, PLB PLC
34:2 2.20 5.44 -3.24 PLA, PLB PLC
36:1 1.71 4.32 -2.61 PLA, PLB PLC
36:2 3.73 10.75 -7.02 PLA, PLB PLC
36:3 1.35 4.59 -3.24 PLA, PLB PLC
All LPCs+PCsb 36.13 70.06 -33.93 (-48%c) PLA, PLB PLC
SM class
LSMs N.D.e N.D.
Cer-1-P N.D.e N.D.
Major SMs 26.67 35.85
16:0 5.13 7.69 -2.56 SMase C
20:0 2.61 2.70 -0.09 SMase C
21:0 3.82 4.68 -0.86 SMase C
22:0 6.61 9.22 -2.61 SMase C
23:0 4.81 6.79 -1.98 SMase C
24:0 3.69 4.77 -1.08 SMase C
All SMsb 34.42 47.02 -12.60 (-27%c) SMase C
PE class
Major LPEs
18:1 7.74 1.17 +6.57 PLA, PLB
18:2 2.34 0.40 +1.93 PLA, PLB
Major PEs 34.59 53.97
34:1 4.41 4.07 +0.34 PLA, PLB PLC
34:2 10.03 4.59 +5.44 PLA, PLB PLC
36:1 3.01 4.77 -1.75 PLA, PLB PLC
36:2 13.05 29.79 -16.74 PLA, PLB PLC
36:3 4.09 10.75 -6.66 PLA, PLB PLC
All LPEs+PEsb 55.26 67.27 -12.01 (-18%c) PLA, PLB PLC
PS class
Major LPSs
18:1 2.02 0.40 +1.62 PLA, PLB
18:2 0.63 0.22 +0.40 PLA, PLB
Major PSs 9.94 18.80
36:1 5.89 10.21 -4.32 PLA, PLB
36:2 4.05 8.59 -4.54 PLA, PLB
All LPSs+PSsb 17.77 27.18 -9.40 (-35%c) PLA, PLB
PI class
Major LPIs
16:0 0.54 0.54 +0.00 PLA, PLB
18:0 0.67 0.27 +0.40 PLA, PLB
Major PIs 8.59 12.82
34:1 2.84 2.11 +0.72 PLA, PLB
36:1 3.01 7.02 -4.00 PLA, PLB
36:2 2.74 3.69 -0.94 PLA, PLB
All LPIs+PIsb 21.69 21.87 -0.18 (-1%c) PLA, PLB
PA class
LPAs N.D.e N.D.
Major PAs 6.74 2.27
32:0 1.53 0.31 +1.21 PLD
32:1 1.21 0.85 +0.36 PLD
34:0 0.72 0.22 +0.49 PLD
36:1 0.13 0.40 -0.27 PLD
36:2 3.15 0.49 +2.65 PLD
All PAsb 6.79 2.29 +4.50 PLD
LPLs 17.31 3.53 +13.78 PLA, PLB
PLs 154.75 232.16 -77.41 SMase C PLCd
LPLs + PLs 172.06 235.69 -63.63 (-27%)c PLA, PLB, PLD, SMase C PLC
PAs 6.79 2.29 +4.50 PLD

aNegative versus positive values correspond to decrease versus increase of phospholipid concentrations in μM. b“All” refers to the total phospholipids and lysophospholipids recorded for the considered phospholipid class. cThe difference between C7 and N7 is expressed as %. dA PLC activity is proposed for PCs and PEs considering that the PC and PE classes are dominant among egg yolk phospholipids (Zhao et al., 2011); egg yolk agar was used to enumerate PLa+ colonies (see Table 1). eN.D., not detected; LSMs, lysosphingomyelins; Cer-1-P, Ceramide-1-Phosphate; LPA, lysophosphatidic acid. The PLases (PLA, PLB, PLC, and PLD) and SMases (SMase C) activities, which could explain the recorded concentration differences, based on the lipidomics and microbiological data, are also indicated.