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. 2018 Jun 13;9:794. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00794



A model of Cuscuta prehaustorium initiation and growth (growth direction is indicated by red arrows), showing microtubule orientation (green) in cortical cells of shoot (A) and prehaustorium (B–D). Transverse microtubules oriented perpendicularly to the cell expansion axis provide rapid elongation of Cuscuta seedling (A). Dedifferentiation of cortex cells and formation of disk-like meristem (MC: meristematic cells) is essential for the development of fully functional haustorium at the site of parasite–host contact (B). The orientation of microtubules changes in prehaustorial epidermal cells (EC), elongating digitate cells (DC), dividing file cells (FC) and cells above the digitate cells (C). Reorientation of microtubules in cells above digitate cells and longitudinal alignment of microtubules in tip-growing epidermal cells of prehaustorium (D).