Figure 8.
Relationships between bowhead whale’s density (y axis) and their associated variables (e.g. SST, SIC, distance to sea ice and distance to SST front) obtained from the four seasonal GAMs: spring (a,b,c), summer (d,e), autumn (f) and winter (g,h,i). The best model and its associated variables are presented for each season with its explained deviance in parentheses. The solid black line in each plot is the smooth function estimate and the shaded regions refer to the approximate 95% confidence intervals. The y axis represents the response variable expressed in log scale. Positive values on the y axis indicate a high probably of whale’s presence, and conversely. The horizontal dotted lines indicate no effect of the environmental variable. The red vertical lines refer to the 10th and 90th quantiles of the tracking dataset, i.e. best models fit between these two lines.