Clustal alignment of representative Nm-MIP and Ng-MIP proteins. Amino acid sequence alignment of Nm-MIP (M1, M2, M6, M7) and Allele 8, 10 and 35-encoded Ng-MIP proteins (M8, M10 and M35). The regions in Nm-MIP M2 (Type I) sequence highlighted in blue and green correspond to residues 1–142 (N-terminal domain) and 143–272 (C-terminal domain), respectively. The leader sequence in Nm-MIP M2 (Type I) (amino acids 1–22) is underlined. Distinct amino acid residues to Nm-MIP M2 (Type I) are highlighted in red and shown within a blue or a green box, depending on whether they belong to the N- or C-terminal domain. The percentage of identity of each protein to M2 (Type I) Nm-MIP is specified. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)