Fig. 5.
Flow cytometry analysis on wild-type (WT) meningococcal strains expressing M2 Nm-MIP protein. Murine pooled antisera (n = 5 mice) raised against M2 rT-Nm-MIP-Liposomes + MPLA (batch 1) and the corresponding control antisera were reacted against M2 Nm-MIP protein on the surface of (A) MC168 (MenB), (B) MC173 (MenC), (C) Z1092 (MenA), (D) Z1534 (MenA), (E) M11 240,441 (MenW), (F) M12 240,717 (MenY), (G) M15 240,043 (MenY), and (H) M16 240,363 (MenY) WT strains. The pink area shows no reactivity of murine sham-immunised serum (1/10) with any of the meningococcal WT strains tested. The blue area shows the significant FACS reactivity of murine antisera (1/10) to M2 rT-Nm-MIP-Liposomes + MPLA (batch 1) with all meningococcal WT strains tested. The numbers within each panel refer to the percentage of bacterial populations that were FITC-positive. The asterisks (*) denote the significant (P < 0.05) and right-shifted increases in FITC-fluorescence recorded events, using a two sample t-Test to compare mean fluorescence values of test murine antisera against sham-immunised murine sera. Data are representative of n = 2 experiments. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)