Figure 1.
Luma is expressed in most cell types in the heart. Adult hearts from WT and various cell-type-specific indicator mouse lines were fixed and analysed under immunofluorescence microscopy utilizing a panel of antibodies and various indicator mouse lines for various cell-type-specific markers (labelled as magenta/red). (A) Obscurin-H2B-GFP (red) expressing mice were used to mark cardiomyocyte nuclei. Note that Luma was expressed in myocytes (white arrowheads). Inset, high magnification view of a cardiomyocyte nucleus expressing Luma. (B) PDGFRα to mark fibroblasts (red) and alpha-actinin (magenta). Inset, high-magnification fibroblast nucleus in white box. (C) Collagen1a1-GFP (red, fibroblast marker). Note that Luma was expressed in all fibroblasts (yellow arrowheads) and some cardiomyocytes (white arrowheads). (D) αSMA was used to mark smooth muscle cells (magenta) and phalloidin for actin (red). Note that Luma was also expressed in smooth muscle cells (white arrows). (E) CD31 was used to mark ECs (magenta). Note that Luma was found in some ECs (white arrow). (F) Tbx18-H2B-GFP expressing hearts were used as a pericyte marker. Note that Luma was found in some pericytes (white arrows). (G) HCN4-tdTomato was used as a conduction system marker and the sinoatrial node (SAN) region was imaged. Note that Luma was not found in these cells (yellow arrows). DNA is stained with DAPI (blue).