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. 2018 Jun 26;7:e36806. doi: 10.7554/eLife.36806

Key resources table.

Reagent type or resource Designation Source Identifier Additional information
Antibody Human IgG (H + L) Alexa
Fluor 488
Thermo Fisher Scientific A-11013
Antibody Goat anti Rabbit Ig, FITC Southern Biotech, AL 4010–02
Antibody Anti human CD56 PE Cy5.5 Beckman Coulter, CA Clone N901,
Antibody Anti human CD235a FITC Biolegend, CA Clone H1264
Antibody Anti human CD45 PE Biolegend, San Diego, CA Clone H130
Antibody Anti human IFN-γ−APC BD Biosciences Clone B27
Antibody Anti human TNF-α−PE BD Bioscience Clone 6401.1111,
Antibody Anti human CD107a-PE BD Biosciences Clone H4A3,
Antibody Rabbit polyclonal anti-human
red blood cell antibody
Rockland Immunochemicals
Inc. PA
Antibody VAR2CSA human Ab Patrick E Duffy Doritchamou et al., 2016
Antibody AMA1 human Ab Patrick E Duffy Doritchamou et al., 2016
Antibody DBL3X rabbit Ab David L Narum Obiakor et al. (2013)
Antibody Control IgG rabbit David L Narum Obiakor et al. (2013)
Chemical compound,
eFluor 670 dye Thermo Fisher Scientific eBioscience Cell Proliferation
Dye eFluor 670 Catologue
no 65-0840-85
Chemical compound,
eFluor 450 dye Thermo Fisher Scientific eBioscience Cell Proliferation
Dye eFluor 450
Catologue no 65-0842-85
Chemical compound,
PKH 67 dye SIGMA Aldrich PKH67 Green Fluorescent Cell
Linker Kit for General Cell
Membrane Labeling
Catologue no. PKH67GL SIGMA
Strain, strain background
(Plasmodium falciparum)
3D7 Aaron T Neal
Strain, strain background
(Plasmodium falciparum)
NF54 DC-J Kirk W Deitsch Dzikowski et al. (2006)
Strain, strain background
(Plasmodium falciparum)
FCR3 VAR2CSA Patrick E Duffy Doritchamou et al. (2016)
Strain, strain background
(Plasmodium falciparum)
3D7-MGD21+ Antonio Lanzavecchia Tan et al. (2016)
Biological samples
Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells Department of Transfusion
Medicine, NIH
Biological samples
Serum Valley Biomedical
(Winchester, VA)
Biological samples
Plasma Malaria Research and
Training Centre, Bamako, Mali
Crompton et al. (2008)
Software, algorithm Imaris Bitplane
Software, algorithm Zen Carl Zeiss
Software, algorithm FlowJo FlowJo, LLC
Software, algorithm Graphpad PRISM 7.0 GraphPad Software, Inc.
Commercial Assay
or kit
Quantichrom hemoglobin
assay kit
BioAssay Systems, CA DIHB-250