(A-F); Whole mount in situ hybridization using antisense (A–C) and sense probes (D-F; negative controls) for glutamine synthetase-1 (GS-1; left), Spot 14 (center) and Na/Pi-transporter (NaPi; right). Inserts show cross sections of the polyp’s body. (G–I) Relative expression levels of whole animal (whole), isolated endoderm (End) and isolated ectoderm (Ect) tissue of Hv_Sym (green bars) and Hv_Apo (orange bars). For each biological replicate (n = 3) 10–20 hydra polyps were used for total RNA extraction of endodermal and ectodermal tissue. T-test was performed between Hv_Sym and Hv_apo. Pvalue, *<0.05, **<0.01. (J) Expression change of genes GS-1, Spot14, NaPi, Sym-1 and Sym-2 following exposure to 25, 50 and 100 mM maltose in Hv_Apo. For each biological replicate (n = 3) 50 hydra polyps were used for total RNA extraction The vertical axis shows log scale (log2) fold changes of relative expression level of maltose-treated over the untreated Hv_Apo control. T-test was performed between maltose-treated in each concentration and control (*: p value <0.05) and Kruskal-Wallis test (†: p value <0.05) in the series of 48 hr treatment were performed. Error bars indicate standard deviation.
Figure 3—source data 1. Expression change of genes GS-1, Spot14, NaPi, Sym-1 and Sym-2 following exposure to 25, 50 and 100 mM maltose in Hv_Apo examined by qPCR.