Habit |
Climbing shrubs |
Treelets |
Small shrubs to treelets |
Evergreen or deciduous |
Deciduous or Evergreen |
Evergreen |
Evergreen |
Inflorescences |
Terminal or axillary & opposite brachyblasts with a series of 2–4 pairs of reduced leaves (homologous with cupular calyculi with foliar lobes) 2.5 cm long |
Appearing axillary, fasciculate, terminal on contracted brachyblasts, with leaf pairs reduced to 2–3 pairs cupular calyculi, some of foliar lobes foliose 3.5mm long |
Appearing axillary, fasciculate. Terminal on contracted brachyblasts, with leaf pairs reduced to 2–4 cupular calyculi, the foliar lobes minute, c. 0.2 mm long
Lateral buds |
Axillary, concealed in stipule sheaths |
Axillary, concealed in stipule sheaths |
Supra-axillary, emerging from stem 1–4 mm above stipule sheaths, spike-like |
Epidermis of leafy branches (dried specimens) |
Pale brown or grey, hairy or (3/8 spp.) glabrous |
Black only for a few mm of the most distal internode, otherwise white or pale brown, slightly spongy. |
Black (distal (1–)2(–4) internodes, proximal internodes white, spongy
Leaf-blade venation |
Tertiary nerves conspicuous. Quaternary nerves usually conspicuous, finely reticulate. |
Tertiary nerves conspicuous. Quaternary nerves obscure ± scalariform |
Tertiary & quaternary nerves obscure & inconspicuous (except K. pentamera where both conspicuous & finely reticulate). Not scalariform. |
Calyx |
Tube distinct, c. ¼ length of ovary, with minute lobes |
Tube well-developed, about half as long as ovary, lobes absent |
Tube reduced to a minute rim, (shorter than disc), lobes absent |
Anthers |
Non-locellate |
Locellate |
Non-locellate |
Terminal connective appendage |
Absent or present |
Absent |
Present |
Staminal filament length |
(1–)2–3 mm |
2–3 mm |
0.2–0.5 (–2.2 mm in K. fosimondi) |
Anther attachment |
± basifixed |
Medifixed |
± basifixed |
Pollen |
(3–)4–5-colporate |
3-colporate |
3-colporate (observed only in K. kupensis) |
Ovules per locule |
1 |
2 (rarely 1) |
1 |
Leaf blade domatia |
Present |
Absent or present |
Absent |