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. 2018 Jun 26;13(6):e0199324. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199324

Table 1. Characters separating Argocoffeopsis, Calycosiphonia and the new genus Kupeantha.

Characters diagnostic for Kupeantha shown in bold. Number of ovules per locule based on Sonké et al. (2007) and Robbrecht (1981).

Argocoffeopsis Calycosiphonia Kupeantha
Habit Climbing shrubs Treelets Small shrubs to treelets
Evergreen or deciduous Deciduous or Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen
Inflorescences Terminal or axillary & opposite brachyblasts with a series of 2–4 pairs of reduced leaves (homologous with cupular calyculi with foliar lobes) 2.5 cm long Appearing axillary, fasciculate, terminal on contracted brachyblasts, with leaf pairs reduced to 2–3 pairs cupular calyculi, some of foliar lobes foliose 3.5mm long Appearing axillary, fasciculate. Terminal on contracted brachyblasts, with leaf pairs reduced to 2–4 cupular calyculi, the foliar lobes minute, c. 0.2 mm long
Lateral buds Axillary, concealed in stipule sheaths Axillary, concealed in stipule sheaths Supra-axillary, emerging from stem 1–4 mm above stipule sheaths, spike-like
Epidermis of leafy branches (dried specimens) Pale brown or grey, hairy or (3/8 spp.) glabrous Black only for a few mm of the most distal internode, otherwise white or pale brown, slightly spongy. Black (distal (1)2(4) internodes, proximal internodes white, spongy
Leaf-blade venation Tertiary nerves conspicuous. Quaternary nerves usually conspicuous, finely reticulate. Tertiary nerves conspicuous. Quaternary nerves obscure ± scalariform Tertiary & quaternary nerves obscure & inconspicuous (except K. pentamera where both conspicuous & finely reticulate). Not scalariform.
Calyx Tube distinct, c. ¼ length of ovary, with minute lobes Tube well-developed, about half as long as ovary, lobes absent Tube reduced to a minute rim, (shorter than disc), lobes absent
Anthers Non-locellate Locellate Non-locellate
Terminal connective appendage Absent or present Absent Present
Staminal filament length (1–)2–3 mm 2–3 mm 0.20.5 (–2.2 mm in K. fosimondi)
Anther attachment ± basifixed Medifixed ± basifixed
Pollen (3–)4–5-colporate 3-colporate 3-colporate (observed only in K. kupensis)
Ovules per locule 1 2 (rarely 1) 1
Leaf blade domatia Present Absent or present Absent