Table 1.
Genetic mutation profiles.
Original cERMS Somatic Testing | Second cERMS Somatic Testinga | Sertoli Leydig Cell Tumor Somatic Testing | Patient Germline Testing |
c.904-1G > C (splice acceptor) | c.904-1G > C (splice acceptor) | c.904-1G > C (splice acceptor) | c.904-1G > C (splice acceptor) |
c.5425G > A (p.G1809R) | c.5439G > A (p.E1813N) | c.5439G > A (p.E1813D) | |
BCOR c.3339del (p.S1113Rfs^46) |
BRCA2 c.2348 T > C (p.V783A)b |
BRCA2 c.2348 T > C (p.V783A)⁎ |
BRCA2 c.2348 T > C (p.V783A)⁎ |
PALB2 c.2978C > T (p.T993 M)b |
PALB2 c.2978C > T (p.T993 M)⁎ |
PALB2 c.2978C > T (p.T993 M)⁎ |
MLH1 c.2978C > T (p.T993 M)b |
MLH1 c.2978C > T (p.T993 M)⁎ |
cERMS, cervical embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma.
Somatic testing for DICER1 mutation only due to small sample size requiring microdissection.
Variant of unknown significance.