Fig 4. RNA Pol accumulation and transcription of the CCR5 gene.
The pattern of RNA Pol II accumulation is a measure of the earliest detectable impact on the CCR5 promoter towards the gene transcription. (A) RNA Pol II accumulation pattern mapped onto the CCR5 gene sequence detected by RNA Pol ChIP-qPCR in THP1 cells stimulated with Meth (60uM), Tat (10ng/ml), or NAC (1nM), or DA (10nM) for 15 minutes before cell fixation and cross linking. Graph shows an Integrated Genome Browser (IGB 8.5) view of RNA Pol peak sequencing, and the alignment with the CCR5 sequence in the Homo sapiens genome. (B) Geometric mean of the total RNA Pol accumulation in the CCR5 gene in different conditions. (C) The effect of Meth, Tat and DA, on CCR5 transcription 2 hours after stimulation. CCR5 transcription was examined using SyBrGreen qRT-PCR, and normalized against the expression of housekeeping GAPDH. *p<0.05 compared to control conditions, One way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s posthoc test.