A) Percentage increase in footpad thickness (DTH response) in normal and immunized mice on 15 d post immunization. The data is presented as mean±S.D. of six mice per group.
P value: Normal controls vs. 31+36+51kDa; 31+36+51+ALD; 31+36+51+saponin; 31+36+51+liposome. *(P<0.001)
P value: 31+36+51 kDa vs. 31+36+51+ALD; 31+36+51+saponin; 31+36+51+liposome. #(P<0.001)
B) Percentage increase in footpad thickness (DTH response) in infected and immunized mice on different post challenge days. The data is presented as mean±S.D. of six mice per group
P-value: Infected controls vs. 31+36+51kDa; 31+36+51+ALD; 31+36+51+saponin; 31+36+51+liposome *(P<0.001)
P-value: 31+36+51kDa vs. 31+36+51+ALD; 31+36+51+saponin; 31+36+51+liposome. #(P<0.001), &(P<0.05)