Mefloquine treatment of Echinococcus multilocularis egg-infected mice. BALB/c mice, orally infected with E. multilocularis eggs, were treated by either mefloquine (100 mg/kg twice per week, n = 9), ABZ (200 mg/kg, 5 times per week, n = 8) or control-treated (placebo, n = 9). After 12 weeks of treatment, parasite lesion numbers in the liver were assessed microscopically (A) and presence or absence of lesions in whole liver extracts was confirmed by PCR (B, see also Supplementary Table 1). A representative agarose gel is shown in (B) with 1, positive control; 2, negative control; 3, extract from infected mouse; 4, extract from non-infected mouse; L, 100 bp ladder.