Drift-diffusion (A) and horse-race (B-D) representations of go responses. (A) Both groups showed the same decision threshold (a) and the same drift rate (v). But, higher precision of prior beliefs (z) caused the SZ group to accumulate less evidence. Therefore, the SZ group responded prematurely. The control group delayed responses, which was reflected in longer RTgo (gray horizontal bar) and longer SSD50 (thin black horizontal bar, B). The SZ group responded prematurely (shorter RTgo and SSD50, C). Therefore, they had difficulty withholding prepared responses (i.e., predictions) at longer SSDs (e.g., the SSD50 of the control group) because the finishing time of the stop process was delayed (red horizontal bar)— relative to the finishing time of the go process (D). SSD50-Control (SSD50 of the control group), SSD50-SZ (SSD50 of the SZ group). Drift-diffusion (A) and horse-race (B-D).