Table 2.
*Impact of social protection on distal factors
**Impact of distal factors on social determinants of TB
***Impact of social determinants of TB on TB outcomes
aPathway #10, #11 and #12 were identified as high priority pathways: These pathways start with three different distal factor, including household socioeconomic position, food security and access to health care services respectively for pathway #10, #11 and #12. According to pathway #10 and #11, household socioeconomic position and food security can influence the risk of household members malnutrition which in turns affects their likelihood of TB progression (including reactivation) and TB treatment success. As for pathway #12 better access to health care services means also better access to TB care services and thus better and more timely TB diagnosis and care and ultimately better TB treatment outcome
bHousehold SES = Household Socioeconomic Status
cRR = Relative risk