PCR verification of meiotic deletion events. (A) Long-amplification PCR of parental mutants (e.g., UF1-oah1-3-5 [wild-type “UF1” background, Ssoah1 target site 3, strain number 5]) and single-ascospore progeny (+①, +②, -①, and -②) with primer pair F and R. (B to D) Long-amplification PCR with primer pair Hyg-P-F and Hyg-T-R (B), primer pair Hyg-P-F and Hyg-C-R (C), and primer pair Hyg-C-F and Hyg-C-R (D). (E) Primers PycF and PycR specific to the Sspyc1 gene were used as a positive PCR control (pyc1). Primer sequences are given in Table S1.