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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Jun 27.
Published in final edited form as: Nat Protoc. 2017 Aug 31;12(9):1980–1998. doi: 10.1038/nprot.2017.083


Troubleshooting table.

Step Problem Possible reason Solution
2, 24, 27 Low RV transduction efficiency Insufficient activation of CD8+ T cells
  • Check cell activation by flow cytometry and optimize culture conditions, if needed:

  • Time: at least 18 h is needed for CD8+ T cells to become activated for optimal RV transduction

  • Reagents: the batch of serum used in cell culture is critical. Use fresh and sterile antibodies that were divided into aliquots upon arrival. Use a fresh aliquot of IL-2 and add 2-mercaptoethanol to complete RPMI-1640 to maintain IL-2 activity

  • Cell density: a concentration of at least 1 × 106 cells per ml during in vitro stimulation is recommended

30, 52 Low RV transduction efficiency The temperature was not optimal during the procedure Cells should be kept above room temperature to maintain activity. Do not place cells on ice at any time. Set the centrifuge to 30 °C for spin-transduction
56, 58 Low RV transduction efficiency Low viability of T cells during transduction Excessive exposure to Polybrene: lower the concentration or shorten the time of exposure to viral supernatant. Consider switching to RetroNectin if use of Polybrene continues to result in low viability
47 Low RV transduction efficiency Residual Percoll particles in cell suspension Wash the cells at least twice with complete RPMI-1640 before RV transduction
55 Low RV transduction efficiency The wrong RV system was used Use an ecotropic RV system for standard mouse T-cell experiments
55 Low RV transduction efficiency The RV stock titer was too low Check the RV titer before starting in vitro T-cell stimulation. Use of high-titer stock (>107 reporter-positive focus-forming units/ml) is recommended
56 Low RV transduction efficiency The wrong tissue-culture plates were used for spin-transduction and incubation Noncoated plates should be used for spin-transduction
1 No visible interface layer or low cell recovery after Percoll separation The input cell number used was too low An input cell number of at least 5 × 106 is recommended. Increase the number of spleens if necessary
30, 42 No visible interface layer or low cell recovery after Percoll separation The temperature of the Percoll reagents and centrifugation were not optimal Leave the Percoll reagents at room temperature for at least 1 h or use a water bath. Make sure that the temperature during centrifugation is set to 25 °C
40, 42 No visible interface layer or low cell recovery after Percoll separation The 30 and 60% (vol/vol) Percoll layers were disturbed Care must be taken when underlaying 60% (vol/vol) Percoll and moving the tubes to/from the centrifuge. Accelerator and brake should be off during centrifuge
30, 34 No visible interface layer or low cell recovery after Percoll separation 30 and/or 60% (vol/vol) Percoll solutions were not appropriately prepared Check the reagents. Consider using a density marker if refreshing all reagents fails to solve the problem
34 No visible interface layer or low cell recovery after Percoll separation The combination of 30 and 60% (vol/vol) Percoll is not optimal in the experimental setting Test whether modifying the Percoll concentration by 5% increments works better
1 Low levels of RV-transduced T cells in vivo Rejection of transferred T cells due to unmatched genetic background Check the genetic background of the donor mouse and run a test transfer experiment without RV transduction
55 Low levels of RV-transduced T cells in vivo Rejection due to the RV marker Compare with different RV marker(s) in individual experimental settings. Consider switching RV marker if rejection is suspected
67 Low levels of RV-transduced T cells in vivo The number of transferred T cells was too low Titrate the optimal cell number for transfer in individual experimental settings
68 Low levels of RV-transduced T cells in vivo Low RV transduction efficiency Check the RV transduction efficiency on day 2 in vitro
73 Low levels of RV-transduced T cells in vivo Loss of RV-transduced T cells by Histopaque centrifugation during sample preparation Switch to RBC lysis buffer when preparing single-cell suspension during acute phase
74 Low levels of RV-transduced T cells in vivo Leakage of RV-derived fluorescent marker(s) in intracellular staining application Add a pre-fixation step with 2% (vol/vol) PFA in PBS between staining surface molecules and permeabilizing steps