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. 2018 Jun 26;2(12):1470–1479. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2018016998

Table 1.

Patient characteristics at SMM diagnosis stratified by FLCr ≥100 or <100 and BMPC ≥60 or <60

Variables All patients FLCr <100 FLCr >100 P BMPC <60 BMPC >60 P
Patients, n 273 156 27 251 22
 Median age (range), y 60 (20-90) 60 (25-82) 62 (33-75) .93 60 (20-90) 60 (36-77) .82
 Male sex 143/273 (52) 80/156 (51) 16/27 (59) .77 130/251 (52) 13/22 (59) .51
 Median (range), % 20 (10-95) 20 (10-80) 30 (12-90) .004 20 (10-50) 70 (60-95) <.0001
 Median %, if <60% 20 20 22 .02
 10%-60% 251/273 (92) 147/156 (94) 22/27 (81) .02
 IgG 196/273 (72) 103/156 (66) 21/27 (78) .10 181/251 (72) 15/22 (68) .79
 IgA 57/273 (21) 41/156 (26) 3/27 (11) 51/251 (20) 6/22 (27)
 LC only 13/273 (5) 6/156 (4) 3/27 (11) 12/251 (5) 1/22 (5)
 Other (IgM, IgD, biclonal) 7/273 (3) 6/156 (4) 0/27 (0) 7/251 (3) 0/22 (0)
Involved light chain
 κ 192/273 (70) 108/156 (69) 21/27 (78) .64 178/251 (71) 14/22 (64) .68
 Λ 79/273 (29) 47/156 (30) 6/27 (22) 71/251 (28) 8/22 (36)
 Biclonal 2/273 (1) 1/156 (1) 0/27 (0) 2/251 (1) 0/22 (0)
Serum monoclonal protein
 Median m-protein (range), g/dL 1.9 (0-5.3) 1.7 (0.5-3) 2.2 (0-4.2) .23 1.8 (0-5.3) 2.8 (0.4-43) .003
 <3 g/dL 189/220 (86) 124/156 (79) 20/24 (83) .84 180/204 (8) 9/16 (56) .004
 ≥3 g/dL 31/220 (14) 22/156 (21) 4/24 (17) 24/204 (12) 7/16 (44)
Free light chain
 FLCr <100 156/183 (85) 147/169 (87) 9/14 (64) .02
 FLCr >100 27/183 (15) 22/169 (13) 5/14 (36)
Median light chain concentration, mg/L
 Median difference in involved and uninvolved FLC (range) 61 (0-2838) 45 (0-2418) 532 (28-2838) <.0001 57 (0-2838) 129 (22-765) .10
 Median κ of involved (range) 59 (3-2862) 46 (3-1288) 633 (28-2862) <.0001 56 (3-2862) 107 (25-528) .38
 Median Λ of involved (range) 105 (2-2500) 80 (2-2499) 462 (117-1500) .011 85 (2-2500) 154 (36-769) .23
FISH risk
 Available FISH, n 149 96 18 138 11
 Normal 61/149 (41) 42/96 (43) 4/18 (22) .33 60/138 (43) 1/11 (9) .10
 Other risk 30/149 (20) 15/96 (16) 4/18 (22) 27/138 (20) 3/11 (27)
 Hyperdiploidy 33/149 (22) 20/96 (21) 4/18 (22) 28/138 (20) 5/11 (46)
 t(4;14), del17p, +1q21 25/149 (17) 19/96 (20) 6/18 (34) 23/138 (17) 2/11 (18)
  t(4;14) 14 (47) 11 (5) 3 (30) 13 (50) 1 (25)
  del17p 2 (6) 1 (5) 1 (10) 0 (0) 2 (50)
  +1q21 14 (47) 8 (40) 6 (60) 13 (50) 1 (25)

Values are n (%) unless otherwise indicated.


Free light chain values at baseline were only available for 183 patients for free light chain ratio subgroup analysis.

The sum of all high-risk events is greater than the number of patients with high risk as patients may have met multiple high-risk criteria.