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. 2017 Aug 9;20(15):2766–2777. doi: 10.1017/S136898001700177X

Table 2.

Lifestyle/behavioural characteristics, stratified by daily consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and artificially sweetened beverages (ASB), of adults (n 9991) aged 30–64 years in the Fenland Study, Cambridgeshire, UK, 2005–2013

Daily (n 2041) Less than daily (n 7950) P Daily (n 893) Less than daily (n 9098) P
BMI group (%)
<25·0 kg/m2 33·3 40·8 20·5 41·1
≥25·0 and <30·0 kg/m2 39·8 39·6 39·8 39·6
≥30·0 and <35·0 kg/m2 19·2 14·2 25·1 14·3
≥35·0 kg/m2 7·7 5·4 <0·001 14·7 5·0 <0·001
Physical activity (PA; h/d)
Sedentary time, mean 16·1 16·6 <0·001 16·4 16·5 0·17
sd 2·5 2·4 2·4 2·4
Light PA, mean 6·0 5·7 <0·001 6·0 5·8 <0·001
sd 1·9 1·8 1·9 1·8
Moderate or vigorous PA, mean 1·9 1·7 <0·001 1·6 1·7 0·004
sd 1·5 1·3 1·3 1·3
Alcoholic beverages (servings/d), mean 0·7 0·8 <0·001 0·7 0·8 0·017
sd 1·0 1·1 1·1 1·1
Mediterranean diet score, mean 6·4 6·7 <0·001 6·4 6·7 <0·001
sd 2·2 2·2 2·2 2·2
Smoking, %
Current smoker 13·1 12·8 14·2 12·7
Ex-smoker 32·0 32·4 34·4 32·1
Never smoked 54·0 53·5 0·22 50·3 54·0 0·19
Anti-hypertensive drug use (%)
No 68·1 65·7 67·5 66·0
Yes 7·8 7·5 9·1 7·4
Unknown 24·1 26·8 0·045 23·4 26·5 0·47
Lipid-lowering drug use (%)
No 97·0 96·8 96·2 96·9
Yes 3·0 3·1 3·8 3·0
Unknown <0·1 0·0 0·47 <0·1 0·0 0·40
On weight-reducing diet (%)
Yes 6·2 5·4 15·0 4·6
No 93·8 94·6 0·14 85·0 95·4 <0·001
Eating breakfast (%)
Never/rarely 11·5 9·5 13·4 9·6
1–2 times/week 10·3 8·3 11·8 8·4
3–5 times/week 11·9 11·0 13·7 10·9
>5 times/week 66·2 71·1 <0·001 61·1 71·0 <0·001
Eating home-delivery/takeaway meals (%)§
Never/rarely 60·7 70·2 57·5 69·3
1–2 times/week 33·1 23·6 36·6 24·4
≥3 times/week 6·1 6·0 <0·001 5·7 6·0 <0·001
Eating ready-made meals (%)§
Never/rarely 53·3 58·9 50·3 58·5
1–2 times/week 40·0 35·2 42·0 35·6
≥3 times/week 6·4 5·6 <0·001 7·4 5·6 <0·001
Eating home-cooked meals (%)§
≤2 times/week 7·3 6·2 10·0 6·1
3–5 times/week 38·9 31·6 40·9 32·3
>5 times/week 53·8 62·1 <0·001 49·2 61·5 <0·001
Eating outside the home (%)§
Less than once/week 70·5 68·0 66·7 68·7
Once/week 22·0 23·5 25·2 23·0
≥2 times/week 7·5 8·5 0·14 8·0 8·3 0·49
Eating meals while watching television (%)§
Less than once/week 28·9 34·0 25·0 33·8
Once/week 12·5 12·4 10·9 12·6
2–4 times/week 27·2 25·1 28·0 25·3
≥5 times/week 31·2 28·2 <0·001 36·1 28·1 <0·001
Eating snack foods while watching television (%)§
Never/rarely 22·2 32·2 17·9 31·3
Occasionally 62·9 56·6 62·6 57·4
Usually/always 15·0 11·1 <0·001 19·5 11·2 <0·001

Values are mean and sd for continuous variables and proportions for categorical variables. P values were computed by crude logistic regression analysis relating daily consumption of SSB or ASB (yes or no) to each characteristic.

Mediterranean diet score was an 18-point scale representing adherence to the Mediterranean diet, used as a marker of diet quality.

Participants were considered to be on a weight-reducing diet if they responded that they were on any of the following diets: ‘Weight Watchers’, ‘Slimming World’, low-fat diet, low-carbohydrate diet (e.g. ‘Atkins diet’).


Missing information among <5 % of adults is not presented.