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. 2018 Jun 27;5(3):ENEURO.0391-17.2018. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0391-17.2018

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Effect of SB-3CT on ICH in tPA-treated mice after embolic ischemia. A, Representative brain sections from the same mice described in Figure 1 revealed ICH of different sizes in the ischemic areas after embolic MCAO in mice. Scale bar: 1 mm. B, C, Quantification of hemorrhagic volumes. ICH was evaluated in cresyl violet-stained brain sections by bright-field microscopy in mice treated with saline or tPA at 4 h (B) or 6 h (C) postischemia. ICH volume was quantified using the stereology technique, with systematic sampling of 25–30 serial sections per brain. Each section was separated by 200-µm interval along the anteroposterial axis of the mouse brain; n = 10 mice in the vehicle-treated, n = 6 mice in the tPA-treated, and n = 7 mice in the SB-3CT + tPA-treated groups. D, E, Hemorrhage number of different areas in mice treated with tPA at 4 h (D) or 6 h (E) postischemia.