(A) Expression of osteoclast markers (Ctsk, Rank and Trap) in undifferentiated RAW macrophages (Mφ) and differentiated RAW osteoclasts (OC), demonstrating successful differentiation of RAW cells. (B–C) Dose responses to alendronate in SLC37A3KO or ATRAIDKO HEK 293 T cells complemented with epitope tagged SLC37A3 or ATRAID, respectively, compared with those in wild-type, ATRAIDKO and SLC37A3KO cells. (D) Immunoblot comparing the short isoform of ATRAID (sATRAID) with the long isoform of ATRAID (lATRAID), showing that the long isoform of ATRAID is expressed as the same protein as the short isoform of ATRAID. Note that unequal amount of protein was loaded in each lane to obtain even exposure. The amount of protein loaded from left to right was: 100 µg, 40 µg, 10 µg and 4 µg, respectively. (E–F) Dose response curves of wild-type, ATRAIDKO and SLC37A3KO HEK 293 T cells to nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates (E) and non-nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates (F). (G–H) Dose response curves of wild-type, ATRAIDKO and SLC37A3KO K562 cells (G) and HEK 293 T cells (H) to lovastatin. (I) Immunoblots measuring lovastatin-induced reduction in protein prenylation in wild-type, ATRAIDKO and SLC37A3KO K562 cells and HEK 293 T cells. (J) Dose response to alendronate in KO2 HEK 293 T cells, compared with those in wild-type, ATRAIDKO and SLC37A3KO cells. For (B–C), (E–H) and (J), data depict mean with s.d. for biological triplicate measurements. LOV: lovastatin. KO2: ATRAIDKO; SLC37A3KO. PNGase F: peptide: N-glycosidase F, an enzyme that removes asparagine (N)-linked sugar modifications on glycoproteins.