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. 2018 Jun 21;33(2):147–159. doi: 10.3803/EnM.2018.33.2.147

Table 2. Differences in Clinical and Genetic Features between LADA and T2DM.

Age at diagnosis >30 Years Adulthood (rarely before)
Family history of diabetes Negative or positive Frequently positive
HLA susceptibility Increased Mild increased
Onset Subclinical (rarely acute) Silent/subclinical
Rate of long-term complications at diagnosis Low High
Risk of acute complications at diagnosis Low Mild increased
C-peptide levels at diagnosis Decreased but still detectable Normal to increased
Autoimmunity Mild increased Absent
Ketosis Rare Rare
Insulin resistance Increased/no change Increased
β-Cell function Decreased Increased or normal
Insulin requirement >6 Months after diagnosis Absent or years after diagnosis
Body mass index Normal (rarely overweight or obese) Overweight or obese
Cardiovascular risk Increased Increased
Lipid profile Normal to hypertriglyceridemia Frequently hypertriglyceridemia and/or hypercholesterolemia

LADA, latent autoimmune diabetes in adults; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; HLA, human leukocyte antigen.