Table 1.
Selected docking complexes and their symmetry order, geometry score, interface area and atomic contact energy from SymmDock.
Symmetry ordera | Docking scoreb | Interface area (Å2)c | Atomic contact energy (ACE) (kcal/mol)d |
21 | 11554 | 3235.20 | −484.55 |
22 | 12442 | 2743.50 | −272.66 |
23 | 12808 | 2911.90 | −342.09 |
52 | 13374 | 3441.40 | −138.88 |
53 | 13568 | 3474.80 | −147.07 |
54 (a) | 13712 | 3500.40 | −150.60 |
54 (b)* | 11044 | 1951.90 | −382.54 |
aNumber of VP40 hexamers in the docking ring complex. bGeometric shape complementarity score that SymmDock uses to rank the complexes. cApproximate interface area of the complex. dACE: <0 indicates an hydrophobic environment and ACE > 0 indicates hydrophilic or solvent exposed environments22. *Docking model using an initial hexamer structure with alternative orientations of the four CTDs missing from the X-ray structure.