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. 2018 Jan 25;19(3):271–288. doi: 10.1080/19452829.2017.1422704

Table 1. WCI in Malawi.

Physical strength: 4 sub-dimensions, 9 variables
  • being able to do physical work: physical health, energy

  • having enough food: types of food eaten in the last week

  • being able to avoid diseases: hygiene, HIV awareness, HIV protection, bed net use

  • being able to space births: family planning availability, FP practice

Inner well-being: 5 sub-dimensions, 11 variables
  • peace of mind: mental health, sleep lost, relax time

  • control over personal matters: control over daily activities, permission to go to funeral, permission to go to clinic

  • free from oppression: freedom of expression, lack of oppression

  • living without shame

  • knowledge: read, write

Household well-being: 5 sub-dimensions, 13 variables
  • free from domestic violence: domestic violence past, domestic violence likely in future

  • control over money: access household money, control over minor expenditure, control over major expenditure

  • living in a decent house: toilet, water, house tenure, fear of house eviction, house adequate, house adequate in 6 months

  • children’s education: all children will reach desired level of education

  • family care: take care of children and husband

Community relations: 5 sub-dimensions, 21 variables
  • access services: easy/difficult to reach health centre, under 5 clinic, school, market, water source, church

  • feeling safe and comfortable in the village: fear of witchcraft, moving away from village, safety village, assault past, assault future, theft past, theft future

  • being able to join community groups: groups available, group membership, position

  • social exclusion and discrimination: not allowed in groups, gender discrimination, poverty discrimination

  • being respected: respect, admiration

Economic security: 5 sub-dimensions, 16 variables
  • safety net: help asked to you, you asked for help

  • land: land ownership, fear of eviction

  • assets: bike, oxcart, ox, chicken, pig, goat, cow, radio, mobile, bed net

  • business opportunities: access to business opportunities

  • copying with shocks: able to feed the family if crisis

Happiness: 2 sub-dimensions, 2 variables
  • satisfaction: satisfied with life overall

  • happiness: taking all things together, how happy are you?