Figure 6.
Early development of CNS is normal in homozygous nox2/cybb mutants. In situ hybridization with probes for marker genes of CNS patterning in 36 hpf WT and nox2/cybb−/− mutant embryos. A–A′, pax6a expression was found in the telencephalon (TC), lens, retina, and hindbrain (HB) in both WT and nox2/cybb−/− embryos. otx2 expression was detected in midbrain (MB; B–B′) and fgf8 expression at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (C–C′) in both WT and mutant embryos. Eyes and yolk were removed for better visualization of otx2 expression in B–B′. The development of major brain regions was not affected in nox2/cybb−/− embryos. D–D′, Expression pattern of nestin, a marker for neural progenitor cells, was similar in WT and mutant embryos and nestin expression was found in all major brain regions. Scale bar, 200 μm.