(A) DE genes after 3h FCCP as defined by GROseq with most enriched KEGG pathways.
(B) ChIP analysis of GPS2 recruitment to AKAP1 and NDUFV1 upon 3h of FCCP.
(C) Relative expression of AKAP1 and NDUFV1 upon 6h of FCCP.
(D) Dismissal of NCoR from AKAP1 and NDUFV1 promoters upon 3h FCCP is impaired in GPS2-KD cells.
(E) Increased GPS2 binding upon FCCP is impaired in cells transfected with siSENP1 (siS1).
(F) Tag density profiles of GRO-seq data showing that transcriptional activation of FCCP-upregulated genes is abrogated in GPS2-KD cells.
(G) GROseq tag count showing that GPS2 is required for the activation of representative neMITO and stress response genes.
(H) Increase in mtDNA content upon long term FCCP treatment (48h) is impaired in GPS2-KD 3T3-L1 cells.
* indicate p-value<0.05; ** indicate p-value<0.01.