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. 2018 Jun 28;6:117. doi: 10.1186/s40168-018-0502-8

Table 2.

Gestation characteristics, pregnancy and neonatal outcomes

Characteristics Term pregnancies (n = 170) Preterm pregnancies (n = 46) p value
Gestational age in weeks+day
 At enrolment (mean ± SD, range)1 13+ 2 ± 1+1 (11+1–16+6) 13+3 ± 1+0 (11+6–16+0) 0.641
 At delivery (mean ± SD, range) 1 39+3 ± 0+6 (39+3–41+2) 34+2 ± 2+6 (20+0–36+6) < 0.0001
  Late preterm (32 to 36+6) NA 39 (84.8%)
  Very preterm (28 to 31+6) NA 5 (10.8%)
  Extremely early (≤ 27+6) NA 1 (2.1%)
Previous pregnancy history (excludes women in first pregnancy)2 (n = 125) (n = 24) < 0.0001
 Livebirth, term 89 (71.2%) 9 (37.5%)
 Livebirth, preterm 0 (0%) 3 (12.5%) < 0.0001
 Spontaneous abortion 20 (16%) 8 (33.3%) 0.046
 Pregnancy termination 16 (12.8%) 3 (12.5%) 0.968
 Ectopic pregnancy 0 (0%) 1 (4.1%)
Mode of delivery2 0.042
 Vaginal delivery 128 (75.3%) 27 (58.7%)
 C-section 42 (24.7%) 18 (39.1%)
Parity2 0.005
 0 55 (32.3%) 28 (60.8%)
 1 94 (55.3%) 12 (26%)
 2–4 21 (12.3%) 6 (13%)
Assisted conception2 17 (10%) 6 (13%) 0.591
Fetal sex (% male/% female) 2 (48.8%)/(51.1%) (41.3%)/(56.5%) 0.430
Birth weight (g) (mean ± SD, range)1 3398 ± 459 (1970–5200) 2550 ± 559 (1300–3595) < 0.0001
Infant in NICU (n, %)2 1 (0.6%) 24 (52.2%) < 0.0001

1t test; 2chi-square