Fig. 4.
Chronic pain cases by county. The total numbers of male and female chronic pain patients per Maine county are shown for the following calendar years: 2006 (a), 2007 (b), 2009 (c), and 2010 (d). County of residence are classified as county of residence during the calendar year of reporting. The numbers of female (e) and male (f) chronic pain patients per county were compared to the total numbers of females and males living in that county in 2010, as reported by the 2010 Maine Census. The percent of chronic pain patients within the perspective Maine population were used to indicate the prevalence of chronic pain in each of the Maine county: female (g) and male (h). These same percentages of the female (i) and male (j) chronic pain cohort within the population of each Maine county are also shown on the state map. Percentages are presented in a density scale and the same scale is used in Figs. i and j