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. 2018 Jun 27;34(13):i115–i123. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty290

Table 1.

Overview of notations

Notation Definition
Xn,jW The number of Strand-seq reads from single cell j mapped to the n-th PacBio read in Watson direction
Xn,jC The number of Strand-seq reads from single cell j mapped to the n-th PacBio read in Crick direction
Xn,j (Xn,jW,Xn,jC)
XnC (Xn,1C,,Xn,JC)
XnW (Xn,1W,,Xn,JW)
Xn (Xn,1,,Xn,J)
T The set of all possible strand states {WW, WC, CC}
tk,jT The state of single cell j in cluster k
tk (tk,1,,tk,J)
θk,j,t The probability that single cell j has state t in cluster k
θk,j (θk,j,WW,θk,j,WC,θk,j,CC)
θk (θk1,,θkJ)
πk The probability that a PacBio read comes from cluster k
Zn,k A binary random variable showing whether PacBio read n comes from cluster k
[1:a] The set of all integers between 1 and a