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. 2018 Jun 4;96(7):450–461. doi: 10.2471/BLT.17.206466

Table 4. Women’s’ obstetric and contraception history, intervention to involve male partners in maternity care, Burkina Faso, 2015–2016.

Obstetric and contraception history No. of women (%)
Intervention group (n = 583) Control group (n = 561)
0 127 (21.8) 144 (25.7)
1 159 (27.3) 132 (23.5)
2 119 (20.4) 93 (16.6)
≥ 3 178 (30.5) 192 (34.2)
Had ≥ 1 miscarriage or abortion 91 (15.6) 107 (19.1)
Had ≥ 1 stillbirth 29 (5.0) 22 (3.9)
Lost ≥ 1 child after birth 96 (16.5) 106 (18.9)
Nature of current pregnancy
Wanted 437 (75.0) 424 (75.6)
Mistimed 133 (22.8) 128 (22.8)
Not wanted 13 (2.2) 9 (1.6)
Contraceptive methods used previouslya,b
None 191 (32.8) 197 (35.1)
Male condom 69 (11.8) 64 (11.4)
Contraceptive pill 188 (32.3) 189 (33.7)
Injectable contraceptive 171 (29.3) 145 (25.8)
Implant 103 (17.7) 95 (16.9)
Other method 35 (6.0) 35 (6.2)
Contraceptive users who did not inform their partnerb 58 (14.8)c 63 (17.3)d

a The percentages for contraceptive methods used add up to more than 100% as more than one method could be mentioned.

b Data were missing for one woman in the intervention arm and one in the control arm.

c The denominator was 389: the number of women in the intervention group who ever used contraception.

d The denominator was 360: the number of women in the control group who ever used contraception.