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. 2018 Mar 24;23(4):375–390. doi: 10.1111/tmi.13038

Table 2.

Baseline characteristics for each community (region in Zambia)

Zambian regions, number (column %) South African communities, number (column %)
Rural (low TST) Other urban (low TST) Other urban (high TST) Lusaka (high TST) SA1 SA2 SA3 SA4 SA5 SA6 SA7 SA8
Sex Male 3615 (36) 2638 (35) 2354 (35) 3031 (30) 1238 (35) 1229 (32) 1395 (38) 1540 (41) 1476 (38) 1415 (37) 1518 (40) 1486 (39)
Female 6380 (64) 4812 (65) 4377 (65) 7239 (70) 2314 (65) 2555 (68) 2288 (62) 2198 (59) 2399 (62) 2400 (63) 2244 (60) 2322 (61)
Age in yearsa 18–24 3339 (33) 2645 (36) 2395 (36) 3790 (37) 1022 (29) 975 (26) 1057 (29) 1047 (28) 1121 (29) 1400 (37) 1127 (30) 1070 (28)
25–29 1536 (15) 1273 (17) 1135 (17) 1890 (18) 514 (14) 564 (15) 554 (15) 727 (19) 653 (17) 779 (20) 745 (20) 689 (18)
30–34 1186 (12) 979 (13) 807 (12) 1323 (13) 383 (11) 446 (12) 454 (12) 545 (15) 492 (13) 526 (14) 604 (16) 492 (13)
35–39 926 (9) 654 (9) 569 (8) 857 (8) 415 (12) 378 (10) 314 (8) 413 (11) 408 (11) 341 (9) 500 (13) 392 (10)
40–49 1182 (12) 844 (11) 763 (11) 1066 (10) 659 (19) 569 (15) 502 (14) 583 (16) 635 (16) 414 (11) 456 (12) 546 (14)
50+ 1714 (17) 977 (13) 972 (14) 1223 (12) 556 (16) 851 (22) 800 (22) 420 (11) 565 (15) 353 (9) 328 (8) 614 (16)
Reported HIV status b Positive 659 (7) 611 (8) 475 (7) 754 (7) 192 (5) 275 (7) 209 (6) 159 (4) 297 (8) 151 (4) 215 (6) 326 (9)
Negative 4533 (45) 3218 (43) 3408 (51) 4918 (48) 1407 (40) 1639 (43) 1442 (39) 935 (25) 1584 (41) 1112 (29) 1499 (40) 1434 (38)
Never tested 4475 (45) 3305 (44) 2677 (40) 4384 (43) 1857 (52) 1573 (42) 1865 (51) 1913 (51) 1855 (48) 2123 (56) 1461 (39) 1888 (50)
Refuse to say 328 (3) 316 (4) 171 (3) 214 (2) 96 (3) 297 (8) 167 (5) 731 (20) 139 (4) 429 (11) 587 (16) 160 (4)
HIV test c Positive 832 (13) 1015 (22) 793 (18) 1374 (17) 291 (14) 415 (19) 132 (16) 263 (18) 176 (19) 23 (14) 188 (19) 302 (21)
Negative 5714 (87) 3567 (78) 3640 (82) 6545 (83) 1843 (86) 1810 (81) 698 (84) 1179 (82) 768 (81) 144 (86) 821 (81) 1112 (79)
HIV status (derived binary variable) d Positive 1168 (14) 1242 (21) 976 (17) 1588 (17) 363 (13) 512 (17) 290 (14) 376 (18) 393 (17) 172 (13) 359 (16) 500 (20)
Negative 7110 (86) 4624 (79) 4747 (83) 7535 (83) 2364 (87) 2468 (83) 1811 (86) 1762 (82) 1918 (83) 1190 (87) 1936 (84) 2000 (80)
Household wealth index Very low 4311 (43) 1275 (17) 1070 (16) 1546 (15) 57 (2) 638 (17) 317 (9) 940 (25) 232 (6) 2110 (55) 854 (23) 2472 (65)
Low 2851 (29) 1469 (20) 1452 (22) 4812 (47) 479 (13) 1473 (39) 1133 (31) 1504 (40) 565 (15) 775 (20) 966 (25) 521 (14)
Medium 1805 (18) 2014 (27) 1699 (25) 3143 (31) 949 (27) 881 (23) 1399 (38) 938 (25) 856 (22) 459 (12) 1577 (42) 391 (10)
High 1028 (10) 2692 (36) 2510 (37) 769 (7) 2067 (58) 792 (21) 834 (23) 356 (10) 2222 (57) 471 (13) 365 (10) 424 (11)
Education completed None 589 (6) 354 (5) 305 (5) 723 (7) 81 (2) 186 (5) 71 (2) 209 (5) 92 (2) 110 (3) 71 (2) 319 (8)
Primary 3392 (34) 1797 (24) 2055 (31) 3810 (37) 802 (22) 756 (20) 746 (20) 851 (23) 614 (16) 614 (16) 682 (18) 646 (17)
Lower secondary 2478 (25) 1918 (26) 1711 (25) 2668 (26) 731 (21) 669 (18) 625 (17) 775 (21) 608 (16) 809 (21) 559 (15) 694 (18)
Upper secondary 2793 (28) 2459 (33) 1976 (29) 2484 (24) 1808 (51) 1941 (51) 2096 (57) 1768 (47) 2346 (60) 2121 (56) 2324 (62) 2011 (53)
College or University 743 (7) 922 (12) 684 (10) 585 (6) 130 (4) 232 (6) 145 (4) 135 (4) 215 (6) 161 (4) 126 (3) 138 (4)
Prevalent TB Yes 39 (0.4) 50 (0.7) 34 (0.5) 69 (0.7) 79 (2.2) 87 (2.3) 92 (2.5) 116 (3.1) 108 (2.8) 73 (1.9) 56 (1.5) 91 (2.4)
No 9956 (99.6) 7400 (99.3) 6697 (99.5) 10201 (99.3) 3473 (97.8) 3697 (97.7) 3591 (97.5) 3622 (96.9) 3767 (97.2) 3742 (98.1) 3706 (98.5) 3717 (97.6)
On TB treatment Yes 39 (0.4) 57 (0.8) 40 (0.6) 86 (0.8) 32 (0.9) 71 (1.8) 33 (0.9) 37 (1.0) 51 (1.3) 36 (0.9) 17 (0.5) 23 (0.6)
No 9956 (99.6) 7393 (99.2) 6691 (99.4) 10184 (99.2) 3520 (99.1) 3713 (98.1) 3650 (99.1) 3701 (99.0) 3824 (98.7) 3779 (99.1) 3745 (99.5) 3785 (99.4)
Population 9995 7450 6731 10270 3552 3784 3683 3738 3875 3815 3762 3808

TST, Tuberculin skin test.


401 missing observations for age in Zambia and 19 missing observations for age in South Africa.


There was no missing data in this variable.


HIV test result was missing in 32% in Zambia and in 66% in South Africa, respectively, because these individuals did not consent to give a blood sample for HIV testing.


A derived variable incorporating test result plus self‐report (see Table 1).