Fig 3. Immunohistochemical staining of armadillo spleen sections for the M. leprae-specific antigen, PGL-I, with a rabbit polyclonal antibody raised against this antigen.
A) Wild infected armadillo B7 section stained with pre-immune rabbit serum, negative control; B) NHDP uninfected armadillo 13–02 stained with rabbit anti-PGL-I, negative control; C) NHDP infected armadillo 11K902 stained with anti-PGL-I showing diffuse brown staining, positive control; D) Higher magnification of NHDP infected armadillo 11K902 stained with anti-PGL-I, positive control; E) Wild infected armadillo A7 stained with anti-PGL-I, showing diffuse brown staining. F) Higher magnification of wild infected armadillo A7 stained with anti-PGL-I, showing diffuse brown staining with more intense clusters.