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. 2018 Jun 29;67(25):707–713. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6725a2

TABLE 1. Age-adjusted incidence rate* of cancer among persons aged <20 years, by U.S. Census region§ — United States, 2003–2014.

U.S. Census region
Total Northeast
Characteristic No. Rate (95% CI) No. Rate (95% CI) No. Rate (95% CI) No. Rate (95% CI) No. Rate (95% CI)
Overall 171,432 173.7 (172.9–174.5) 31,893 188.0 (185.9–190.0) 37,702 172.9 (171.1–174.6) 61,998 168.0 (166.7–169.3) 39,839 172.9 (171.2–174.6)
Male 91,667 181.5 (180.3–182.7) 16,860 194.5 (191.6–197.5) 20,228 180.3 (178.8–182.8) 33,045 175.1 (173.3–177.0) 21,534 182.3 (179.9–184.8)
Female 79,765 165.5 (164.3–166.6) 15,033 181.1 (178.2–184.0) 17,474 164.3 (161.6–166.5) 28,953 160.6 (158.7–162.4) 18,305 163.0 (160.7–165.4)
Age group (yrs)
0–4 54,419 228.9 (227.0–230.8) 9,467 242.7 (237.9–247.7) 12,001 227.0 (228.3–230.6) 20,161 222.7 (219.7–225.8) 12,790 226.1 (222.2–230.0)
5–9 29,181 122.6 (121.2–124.1) 5,161 128.7 (125.2–132.3) 6,323 121.2 (116.7–124.6) 10,862 121.4 (119.1–123.7) 6,835 123.2 (120.3–126.1)
10–14 33,042 133.0 (131.5–134.4) 6,256 145.1 (141.5–148.7) 7,128 131.5 (126.0–134.0) 12,042 130.4 (128.1–132.7) 7,616 131.9 (128.9–134.8)
15–19 54,790 213.3 (211.5–215.1) 11,009 238.5 (234.0–243.0) 12,250 211.5 (210.0–215.5) 18,933 200.5 (197.7–203.4) 12,598 213.5 (209.8–217.3)
White 103,650 184.4 (183.3–185.5) 21,580 200.8 (198.1–203.5) 28,309 183.3 (177.7–185.9) 34,798 178.9 (177.0–180.8) 18,963 184.9 (182.3–187.5)
Black 20,188 133.3 (131.5–135.2) 3,402 143.6 (138.8–148.5) 3,894 131.5 (125.4–135.6) 11,194 131.9 (129.5–134.4) 1,698 132.7 (126.4–139.1)
Hispanic 36,197 168.9 (167.2–170.7) 4,758 170.0 (165.2–175.0) 3,473 167.2 (153.5–170.2) 13,250 175.5 (172.5–178.5) 14,716 165.6 (162.9–168.3)
AI/AN 1,507 147.6 (140.2–155.2) 53 93.1 (69.7–121.9) 262 140.2 (118.9–155.2) 450 143.7 (130.7–157.6) 742 162.3 (150.8–174.5)
API 7,089 144.6 (141.2–148.0) 1,488 151.8 (144.2–159.8) 937 141.2 (133.6–148.0) 1,402 127.7 (121.1–134.6) 3,262 150.4 (145.3–155.7)
County-level economic status by percentile††
≤25% 19,536 165.7 (163.4–168.0) 1,848 173.7 (165.9–181.9) 2,888 163.4 (162.3–168.7) 9,902 164.6 (161.3–167.8) 4,898 163.9 (159.3–168.5)
25–75% 98,385 171.3 (170.2–172.4) 15,032 182.2 (179.3–185.1) 21,073 170.2 (167.2–172.8) 38,515 167.8 (166.2–169.5) 23,765 172.1 (169.9–174.3)
≥75% 48,268 181.8 (180.2–183.4) 14,996 196.1 (193.0–199.3) 8,894 180.2 (175.8–183.3) 13,252 171.7 (168.8–174.7) 11,126 178.5 (175.2–181.9)
County-level rural/urban continuum††
Metropolitan population ≥1 million 93,181 177.1 (176.0–178.3) 21,451 189.2 (186.6–191.7) 15,634 176.0 (171.5–178.0) 31,810 172.0 (170.2–173.9) 24,286 175.9 (173.6–178.1)
Metropolitan population 250,000 to <1 million 35,919 171.1 (169.4–172.9) 6,283 184.7 (180.2–189.4) 6,290 169.4 (169.1–172.7) 14,186 164.3 (161.6–167.0) 9,160 172.0 (168.5–175.6)
Metropolitan population <250,000 14,349 165.7 (163.0–168.4) 1,556 183.3 (174.2–192.7) 3,958 163.0 (161.0–168.4) 5,721 162.2 (158.0–166.5) 3,114 164.0 (158.3–169.8)
Nonmetropolitan counties 22,962 167.2 (165.0–169.3) 2,586 188.8 (181.5–196.3) 6,982 165.0 (165.3–169.3) 10,173 163.0 (159.9–166.2) 3,221 160.8 (155.3–166.4)

Sources: CDC’s National Program of Cancer Registries; National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program.

Abbreviations: AI/AN = American Indian/Alaska Native; API = Asian/Pacific Islander; CI = confidence interval.

* Rates are per 1 million persons and age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population.

Cases included all malignant cancers (with behavior code = 3) as grouped by the International Classification of Childhood Cancer.

§ Northeast: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Midwest: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. South: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. West: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.

Incidence data are compiled from cancer registries that meet the data quality criteria for all years 2003–2014 (covering >99% of the U.S. population). Nevada is excluded. Registry-specific data quality information is available at Characteristic values with other, missing, or blank results are not included in this table.

** White, black, AI/AN, and API persons are non-Hispanic. Hispanic persons might be of any race. Counts exclude unspecified or unknown race/ethnicity.

†† Excludes Kansas, Minnesota, and Nevada.