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. 2018 Jun 5;4(2):67. doi: 10.3390/jof4020067

Table 1.

Summary of the types of cells to which Candida glabrata can adhere in vitro and in vivo, the receptors in host cells, microorganisms, or substrates involved in the interaction, and the ligand on C. glabrata recognized by the receptor.

Interaction with Receptor in the Host or Microorganism b Ligand on C. glabrata d Reference
Type of Cells Specific Cell Line a
Epithelial cells HEp2 (human), CHO-Lec2 (hamster) ND c Epa1 [11]
Cardiac endothelium (guinea pig) ND ND [15]
Caco-2 (human) ND Epa1 [29]
Lec2 (hamster) ND Epa6, Epa7 [33]
OKF6/TERT-2 (human) ND β-glucan [76]
UVECS (human) ND Pwp7, Aed1 [14]
OKF6/TERT-2 (human) CDw17 ND [77]
Immune cells Natural Killers (NK) Nkp46 (human)
NCR1 (murine)
Epa1, Epa6, Epa7 [18]
Macrophages (human/murine) Dectin1, Dectin2 β-glucan [73,74,75]
ND Epa1 [17]
Dendritic Cells (murine) ND Epa1/ND [16,17]
Neutrophils (murine) Dectin2 β-glucan [73]
Platelets (murine) ND ND [78]
Candida spp. C. albicans (hyphae) Hwp1, Als3, Als1 Epa8, Epa19, Awp2, Awp7, CAGL0F00181 [79]
C. krusei ND ND [80,81]
Others Fibronectin Epa6 [82]
Osteoblast (human) ND ND [83]
S. marscesens, P. aeruginosa, A. fumigatus NI e NI [84,85,86]

a Name of the cell lines or types of immune cells used to determine adherence. Abbreviations mean: HEp2 = Human Epidermoid cancer cells. CHO = Chinese Hamster Ovary. Lec2 = CHO derived mutants in CMP-syalic acid translocation. Caco-2 = adeno Carcinoma of the colon. OKF6/TERT-2 = human Oral Keratinocytes expressing hTERT subunit. UVEC = Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells. The origin of the cell type (human or murine) is indicated in parenthesis. b Receptor identified on the surface of the cell to which C. glabrata adheres. c ND means not determined. d Ligand identified on C. glabrata that is recognized by the receptor. e NI means not investigated.