Figure 2.
Pol III-Mediated Luc Expression: Sensitivity to Pol II/III Termination Signals
(A) Theoretical full-length Luc mRNA level expressed by Pol II and III. Pol III termination signals (Tn stretch with n ≥ 4) in the Luc-coding sequence are indicated. Luc expression was predicted based on the Pol III termination efficiency by these T-stretch signals. (B) Luc constructs with added termination signals (T6 for Pol III and pA for Pol II). Signals were inserted between the promoter and Luc gene to create P-T6-Luc and P-T6-pA-Luc. (C) All three sets of constructs for 7SK, U6, and H1 promoters were transfected into HEK293T cells, and the Luc activity was determined as in Figure 1E.