Fig. 3.
Modeling results of the land-to-ocean N export fluxes from biological soil crusts as a function of the percentage of modern continental area colonized, for a variety of net N transport fluxes. a Modeled export fluxes (Tmol yr−1) from biological soil crusts (BSCs) as a function of the percentage of modern continental area colonized (from 0 to 100%) for a variety of net N transport fluxes to underlying soil within the range of estimates for modern BSCs. b Close in from 0 to 20% continental cover. c Close in from 0 to 10% continental cover. The upper X-axis shows the percentage of modern continental area, the size of France and Europe are included as an intuitive benchmark. The lower X-axis shows the corresponding percentage of Archean continental area. The Phanerozoic N flux from land into the ocean (0.15 ± 0.03 Tmol yr−1) is denoted by the horizontal black bold line. Asterisks denote data from direct measurements of N export fluxes, all other values are indirectly obtained from nitrogen import fluxes (see Methods)