Figure 2.
Focal adhesion dynamics in cells under strain. HC11 cells expressing a tagged fluorescent vinculin. (Ai) Confocal image sequence of a cell at increasing normal strain from 13% up to 30%. (Bi) A control sequence of images (time lapse 1 h) obtained as a function of time at strain 13%. (Aiii) and (Biii) Sequential magnified view of the marked area in (Ai) and (Bi). Red arrows indicate persistent focal adhesions, defined as the ones that remain along the whole stretching or control experiment (approx. 1 h). Scale bar: 20 μm; zoomed images scale bar: 5 μm. (Aii) and (Bii) Maps of the persistent focal adhesions. (C) Proportion of focal adhesions according to theirs dynamics during stretching and control experiments (focal adhesions that are newly assembled and/or totally disassembled during the experiment are denominated as transient, and the one that emerged from a split event or disappeared from a merge event are classified as others). (D) Detailed percentages of persistent, newly assembled and/or totally disassembled, split and merged focal adhesion at increasingly stretched cells and in control cells. Data corresponding to N > 100 focal adhesions from 4 cells in stretching and control time lapse experiments were averaged; s.e.m. as error bars.