Figure 5.
Zyxin translocation in response to mechanical strain. Representative confocal images of HC11 cells expressing zyxin-EGFP at 13% (A), 30% normal strain (B), and cultured on coverglass (C). Besides its location at focal adhesions, in both cases under strain (A,B), zyxin is typically found to be located along actin filaments (indicated by red arrows); while in cells maintained at a constant strain, such as cells cultured on coverglass, zyxin has approximately the same probability of being found or not along actin filaments. In the case presented in (C), zyxin was only located at focal adhesions. On top of each panel, is displayed the percentage of cells showing zyxin translocation to actin filaments. Entire cell images scale bars: 20 μm; zoomed images scale bar: 5 μm. N = 23 cells were analyzed at 13% of strain, N = 23 cells at 30% of strain, and N = 52 cells cultured on coverglass.