Table 1.
Characteristics of the economic evaluation of the included Markov model-based studies.
Study | Country 1 | Screening tests 2 | Target pop 3 | Study type 4 | Currency (year) 5 | ICER (I$) 6 |
(McCrory et al. 1999) | USA | PAP, NewCyto | 15-85 years | CEA | USD (1997) | 32,503.08/LY |
(Hutchinson et al. 2000) | USA | PAP, AutoPap, LBC | 20-65 years | CEA | USD (1997) | 73,837.07/LY |
(Myers et al. 2000) | USA | PAP, NewCyto | 15-85 years | CEA | USD (1997) | 4,310.60/LY |
(Taylor et al. 2000) | USA | PAP, PAP+speculoscopy | 18-65 years | CEA | USD (2001) | not calculated |
(Montz et al. 2001) | USA | PAP, LBC | 20-80 years | CEA | USD (1997) | 26,532.61/LY |
(Mandelblatt et al. 2002) | USA | PAP, LBC, HC2 | ≥20 years | CUA | USD (2000) | 96,826.00/QALY |
(Kulasingam and Myers 2003) | USA | PAP | 12-85 years | CEA | USD (2001) | 60,076.00/LY |
(Goldie et al. 2004a) | USA | PAP, LBC, HC2, HC2+Cyto | ≥30 years | CEA | USD (2001) | 41,488.03/LY |
(Goldie et al. 2004b) | USA | PAP, LBC, HC2 | ≥12 years | CUA | USD (2002) | 77,073.34/QALY |
(Karnon et al. 2004) | GBR | PAP, LBC | 15-95 years | CEA | GBP (NI) | 16,782.16/LY |
(Kim et al. 2004) | HKG | PAP, LBC | ≥15 years | CEA | USD (2000) | 12,821.96/LY |
(Sherlaw-Johnson and Philips 2004) | GBR | PAP, LBC, HPV test | ≥15 years | CEA | GBP (2001) | 6,010.34/LY |
(Kim et al. 2005) | GBR, NLD, FRA, ITA | PAP, HC2, PAP+HC2 | NI | CEA | USD (2004) | 23,590.95 - 106,985.77/LY |
(Anderson et al. 2008) | AUS | PAP | 15-85 years | CEA | USD (NI) | 252,485.84/LY |
(Andres-Gamboa et al. 2008) | COL | PAP, HPV test | 15-76 years | CEA | USD (2006) | 262,302.32/LY |
(Bistoletti et al. 2008) | SWE | PAP, PAP+HPV test | ≥32 years | CEA | USD (2005) | 7,132.05/LY |
(Gutierrez-Delgado et al. 2008) | MEX | PAP, HC2, PAP+HC2 | 12-64 years | CUA | MXN (2006) | 209,410.00/DALY |
(Rogoza et al. 2008) | CAN, NLD, TWN, GBR, USA | PAP | ≥12 years | CEA and CUA | CAD,EUR,NTD,GBP,USD (2006) | 9,203.22 - 1,173,080.66/QALY |
(Coupe et al. 2009) | NLD | PAP, HPV test | 12-100 years | CUA | EUR (2006) | 11,810.39/QALY |
(Ginsberg et al. 2009) | WHO 14 regions | PAP, HPV test, PAP+HPV test, VIA | NI | CUA | I (2000) | 156.91 - 63,616.09/DALY |
(Kulasingam et al. 2009) | CAN | PAP, HC2, PAP+HC2 | NI | CEA and CUA | CAD (2006) | 7,060.14/LY |
(Reynales-Shigematsu et al. 2009) | MEX | PAP | 12-85 years | CEA | USD (2004) | 2,075.00/LY |
(Balasubramanian et al. 2010) | USA | LBC, HPV test, Self-colletion | 12-85 years | CUA | USD (2007) | 15,142.00/QALY |
(Chuck 2010) | CAN | PAP, LBC, HC2 | 12-80 years | CUA | CAD (2007) | 16,528.54/QALY |
(Creighton et al. 2010) | AUS | PAP | 10-84 years | CEA | AUD (NI) | 30,583.80/LY |
(Sroczynski et al. 2010) | DEU | PAP, PAP+HC2 | ≥15 years | CEA | EUR (2007) | 107,285.43/LY |
(Chen et al. 2011) | TWN | PAP, HPV test | NI | CEA | USD (NI) | 64,249.86/LY |
(Kitchener et al. 2011) | GBR | LBC, HC2, Self-colletion | 10-84 years | CEA and CUA | GBP (2007) | 49,193.51/LY |
(Praditsitthikorn et al. 2011) | THA | PAP, VIA | ≥15 years | CUA | THB (2007) | 543,574.08/QALY |
(Shi et al. 2011) | CHN Rural | VIA, VIA/VILI, HPV test | NI | CEA and CUA | USD (2009) | 30,206.17/LY |
(Sopina and Ashton 2011) | NZL | LBC, HPV test | 12-85 years | CEA and CUA | NZD (2009) | 9,164.45/QALY |
(Sroczynski et al. 2011) | DEU | PAP, HC2, PAP+HC2 | ≥15 years | CEA | EUR (2007) | 177,473.23/LY |
(Vokó et al. 2012) | HUN | PAP | ≥25 years | CUA | HUF (NI) | 33,339.15/QALY |
(Yamamoto et al. 2012) | JPN | PAP | ≥11 years | CUA | JPY (2010) | 28,865.17/QALY |
(Fonseca et al. 2013) | BRA Amazon | PAP | ≥12 years | CUA | USD (NI) | 1,341.06/QALY |
(Ostensson et al. 2013) | SWE | PAP, HPV test | ≥15 years | CEA | EUR (2011) | 8,795.19/LY |
(Huh et al. 2015) | USA | PAP, HPV test, PAP+HPV test | 30-70 years | CUA | USD (2013) | 7,800.62/QALY |
(Nghiem et al. 2015) | USA | LBC, HPV test | ≥12 years | CUA | USD (2012) | 18,854.49/QALY |
Countries classified according to the list of country names and 3-letter codes abbreviations by the United Nations (
Screening tests: PAP = conventional cytological test also known as Papanicolaou (pap) smear test; New Cyto = hypothetical new cytological test; AutoPap = automated read cytological test; LBC = liquid-based cytology test; HC2 = Digene high-risk HPV Hybrid Capture© 2 test (Qiagen); HPVtest = Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA detection with genotyping high-risk types by polymerase chain reaction (PCR); Self-collection = high-risk HPV DNA testing of self-collected vaginal samples; VIA = visual inspection with acetic acid; VIA/VILI = VIA in combination with Lugol’s iodine.
Target population: women within the age range indicated.
Economic study type: CEA = cost-effectiveness analysis; CUA = cost-utility analysis.
Currencies classified according to the International Organization for Standardization, ISO 4217:2015 (
ICER = incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; I$: Geary-Khamis dollar, more commonly known as the international dollar; LY = life years; QALY = quality-adjusted life years; DALY = disability-adjusted life years; NI = Not informed.