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. 2001 Oct 1;29(19):3949–3954. doi: 10.1093/nar/29.19.3949

Table 1. Crystal data, data collection and structure determination.

Space group
Unit cell (Å)     a = 24.8, b = 40.3, c = 65.5
Asymmetric unit (duplex)     1
Resolution (Å)     100~1.6
Unique reflections     7855
Completeness (%)     86.1
  in the outer shell (%)   69.7 (1.79~1.69 Å)
      38.4 (1.69~1.6 Å)
Multiplicity     5.1
Rmergea (%)     5.8
Structure refinement      
  Resolution range (Å)   10~1.6
  Used reflection   6515 (I/s >3)
  R-factorb (%)   21.8
  Rfreec (%)   25.8
  DNA atoms   488
  Water molecules   111
  Magnesium atom   1
  R.m.s. deviation from ideal geometry    
    Bond lengths (Å) 0.004
    Bond angles (deg.) 0.9
    Improper angles (deg.) 1.4
  Average B-factors (Å2)    
    DNA 27.6
    Waters 39.4
    Magnesium atom 29.7

aRmerge = 100 × ∑hklj|Ihklj – <Ihkl>|/∑hklj<Ihkl>

bR-factor = 100 × ∑||Fo|–|Fc||/∑Fo|, where |Fo| and |Fc| are the observed and calculated structure factor amplitudes, respectively.

cCalculated using a random set containing 10% of observations that were not included during refinement (30).