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. 2018 Jun 17;15(6):1283. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15061283

Table 1.

Characteristics of the population with Mexican ethnicity according to joint categories of physical activity and sedentary behavior and migration status, birth place and country of residence. National Health and Nutrition Databases from the United States and Mexico (NHANES 2011–2012 and ENSANUT 2012).

Characteristic Mexico-Born Living in Mexico Mexican Immigrants Living in the US US-Born Mexican-Americans Living in the US Mexico-Born Living in Mexico Mexican Immigrants Living in the US US-Born Mexican-Americans Living in the US
Most active Moderately active
(N = 21,272,889)
(n = 3944)
(N = 2,104,861)
(n = 67)
(N = 889,926)
(n = 26)
(N = 26,469,663)
(n = 4127)
(N = 2,919,679)
(n = 88)
(N = 3,399,165)
(n = 91)
% (C.I. 95%) % (C.I. 95%) % (C.I. 95%) % (C.I. 95%) % (C.I. 95%) % (C.I. 95%)
Age (in years) * 41.3 (40.4, 42.1) 39 (35, 43) 39.6 (32.5, 46.6) 38.5 (37.7, 39.4) 39.4 (36.3, 42.6) 34.3 (31.9, 36.7)
Sex % (95% C.I.)
Male 41.5 (38.6, 44.4) 53.9 (38.6, 69.1) 66.7 (38.2, 95.3) 49.4 (46.6, 52.2) 62.9 (49.7, 76.1) 53.9 (42.4, 65.4)
Female 58.4 (55.5, 61.3) 46.1 (30.8, 61.4) 33.2 (4.7, 61.8) 50.5 (47.7, 53.3) 37.1 (23.9, 50.2) 46.1 (34.6, 57.6)
Education level % (95% C.I.)
Less than high school 83.8 (81.6, 86) 67.9 (46.9, 88.8) 35.2 (−6.01, 76.5) 63.8 (60.7, 66.9) 55.8 (43.2, 68.4) 19.1 (12.4, 25.8)
High school graduate and more 16.2 (13.9, 18.3) 32.1 (11.1, 53) 64.7 (23.49, 106) 36.1 (33.1, 39.2) 44.2 (31.5, 56.7) 80.1 (74.2, 87.6)
Occupation % (95% C.I.)
Employment 53.1 (50.1, 56.1) 75.6 (61.6, 98.7) 64.5 (32.8, 96.2) 57.4 (54.3, 60.5) 76.4 (64.2, 83) 70.7 (60.4, 80.9)
Unemployment 46.8 (43.8, 49.8) 24.3 (10.2, 38.4) 35.5 (3.8, 67.2) 42.6 (39.5, 45.7) 26.4 (16.9, 35.7) 29.3 (19.1, 39.6)
Health risk conditions % (95% C.I.)
Diabetes 8.4 (6.6, 10) 10.3 (0.001, 20.7) 13.7 (−0.72, 28.2) 7.4 (6, 8.8) 7.9 (8.5, 15.1) 3.5 (−2.2, 9.3)
High blood pressure 14.7 (12.7, 16.8) 15.2 (3.9, 26.4) 36.1 (−1.2, 73.4) 13.6 (11.6, 15.7) 13.9 (6.3, 21.5) 21.8 (10.6, 33.1)
High cholesterol 12.7 (10.5, 14.8) 19 (7.6, 30.3) 29.2 (9.3, 49.2) 13.7 (11.8, 15.7) 20 (12.4, 27.6) 18.7 (7.4, 29.9)
MVPA (minutes/day) * 159.4 (153.2, 165.5) 196.8 (136.1, 257.5) 190.3 (105.2, 275.3) 147.1 (140.8, 153.5) 178.4 (133.2, 223.5) 152.7 (121, 184.5)
Sedentary time (minutes/day) * 117.3 (114.3, 120.3) 84.5 (70.5, 98.5) 96.2 (77.2, 115.3) 378.8 (368.6, 389) 268. (1 (239.4, 296.9) 355 (300.2, 411.4)
Moderately inactive Least active
(N = 3,410,936)
(n = 707)
(N = 1,220,304)
(n = 39)
(N = 278,715)
(n = 11)
(N = 5,684,364)
(n = 924)
(N = 2,475,596)
(n = 81)
(N = 1,505,528)
(n = 46)
Age (in years) * 41.5 (40, 42.9) 40.9 (36.2, 45.6) 47.3 ( −11.9, 106.5) 40.1 (38.5, 41.7) 40.3 (38.1, 42.5) 37.6 (32.5, 42.6)
Sex % (95% C.I.)
Male 33.5 (27.3, 39.6) 38.4 (16.3, 60.5) 31.4 (−1.5, 2.1) 50.1 (44, 56.2) 48.2 (31.7, 64.7) 34.2 (22.4, 46)
Female 66.4 (60.3, 72.6) 61.5 (39.5, 83.7) 68.6 (−1.1, 2.5) 49.8 (43.7, 55.9) 51.8 (35.3, 68.3) 65.8 (53.9, 77.6)
Education level % (95% C.I.)
Less than high school 82.5 (77.8, 87.2) 83.1 (66.7, 99.3) 34.7 (−2.44, 3.14) 61.7 (56.1, 67.3) 65.6 (54.4, 76.9) 31 (8.7, 53.3)
High school graduate and more 17.4 (12.7, 22.1) 16.9 (6.1, 33.2) 65.2 (−2.14, 3.44) 38.3 (32.7, 43.8) 34.3 (23, 45.6) 68.9 (46.6, 91.2)
Occupation % (95% C.I.)
Employment 41.3 (35.4, 47.3) 54 (32.7, 75.3) 46.1 (−3.26, 4.19) 60.2 (54.7, 65.7) 63.3 (42.8, 83.8) 70.1 (47.7, 92.5)
Unemployment 58.6 (52.6, 64.6) 45.9 (24.7, 67.2) 53.9 (−3.19, 4.26) 39.8 (34.2, 45.3) 36.7 (16.2, 57.2) 29.9 (7.5, 52.3)
Health risk conditions % (95% C.I.)
Diabetes 10.6 (7, 14.3) 11.8 (−0.9, 24.4) 22.8 (−2.05, 2.51) 13.7 (9.8, 17.6) 10.4 (1.37, 19.37) 9.4 (5.8, 13.1)
High blood pressure 15.4 (11.6, 19.2) 21.5 (4.8, 38.1) 49.3 (−1.29, 2.27) 15.5 (12.3, 18.8) 18.7 (6.4, 31) 22.8 (7.4, 38.2)
High cholesterol 13.6 (9.5, 17.6) 14.9 (2.1, 27.7) 13.2 (−54.7, 81.2) 13.5 (10.1, 16.9) 25.4 (17.2, 33.6) 20.7 (8.1, 33.3)
(minutes/ day) *
8.2 (7.3, 9.1) 3.8 (1.27, 6.4) 7.3 (−27.6, 42.3) 7.8 (7.1, 8.6) 4.7 (3.1, 6.3) 4.3 (1.1, 7.49)
Sedentary time (minutes/day) * 107.3 (100.4, 114.2) 87.7 (67.8, 107.6) 81.7 (−99.8, 263.3) 481.1 (437.6, 524.7) 334 (284.8, 383.2) 485.2 (386, 584.4)

* Mean: MVPA, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (self-reported). Joint categories of physical activity and sedentary behavior: most active: physically active and low sedentary, moderately active: physically active and high sedentary, moderately inactive: physically inactive and low sedentary, least active: physically inactive and high sedentary.