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. 2018 Jun 29;8:9826. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-28266-4

Table 2.

Descriptive statistics for all explanatory variables used in the study.

Mean SD Median Min Max
Outcome Years of life los (YLL) 0.42 0.21 0.36 0.00 1.66
Demographic variables Marital status (PC) 0.19 7.80 −0.33 −20.28 34.51
Protestant Christian (PC) −7.24 22.14 −4.40 −59.36 46.76
Population/km2 447 1,538 185 0 23,36
Mean number of persons per room 2.38 1.09 2.08 0.94 6.70
% Rural households 81.16 30.31 100.00 0.00 100
% Ethnicity (Kamba) 11.83 29.71 0.19 0.00 99.66
% Ethnicity (Kikuyu) 12.34 27.86 0.24 0.00 99.03
% Ethnicity (Kisii) 4.17 17.66 0.12 0.00 99.22
% Ethnicity (Luo) 7.54 23.17 0.23 0.00 98.87
% Ethnicity (Luhya) 9.32 24.57 0.38 0.00 98.78
% Ethnicity (Kalenjin) 14.56 31.63 0.23 0.00 99.58
% Ethnicity (Somali) 12.06 31.05 0.14 0.00 99.91
% Ethnicity (Other) 28.18 39.42 2.92 0.01 99.90
Socio-economic variables Occupation (PC) 0.84 16.91 0.02 −31.34 55.10
Bicycle possession (PC) −3.72 26.05 1.25 −63.90 47.00
Modern assets (PC) −1.90 21.42 −2.55 −47.48 58.13
Livestock possession (PC) 5.30 15.79 0.28 −5.96 152.08
Poor cooking fuel (PC) −10.71 25.80 −0.20 −106.04 11.48
Poor lighting fuel (PC) −4.49 26.36 −8.23 −56.23 55.39
Good roof material (PC) −16.59 38.88 −3.39 −110.83 26.53
Poor floor material (PC) −8.43 31.71 −0.14 −107.79 31.36
Poor wall material (PC) −12.52 31.77 −11.50 −65.29 44.17
Good sanitation (PC) −12.06 34.06 −3.97 −78.41 44.24
Poor water source (PC) −3.70 23.15 −5.77 −39.72 59.32
Good water source (PC) −0.10 20.25 −3.31 −37.79 67.18
Mean educational attainment 4.70 1.98 5.13 0.12 10.18
Mean access to health care 1.92 7.52 1.31 0.00 181.82
Environmental variables Mean malaria endemicity 3.41 10.73 1.00 0.00 91.30
Mean altitude in meter 1,287 661 1,355 7 2,928
Annual mean temperature in degree centigrade 210.9 37.29 210.0 123.0 291
Maximum temperature of warmest month in degree centigrade 301.8 35.6 301.0 208.0 400
Minimum temperature of coldest month in degree centigrade 129.2 41.13 123.0 47.0 222
Annual mean precipitation in millimeter 1031.9 448.7 978.0 186.0 2441.0
Precipitation of wettest month in millimeter 198.9 73.4 198.0 52.0 627
Precipitation of driest month in millimeter 25.9 23.2 21.0 0 87
Longitude 36.79 36.39 36.70 33.99 41.83
Latitude −0.28 1.64 −0.32 −4.49 5.13
Spatially lagged YLL 0.41 0.15 0.42 0.10 0.70

The level of analysis were the divisions (N = 612).