Figure 7.
Histogram of network nodes displaying (A) a given strain B-factor SB and shear intensity (showing that most of the strain induced by the response to binding occurs in regions where the material is soft) and (B) a given shear intensity and normalized fitness cost (showing that mutations are costly where the response strain is localized). The color bar indicates the relative abundance of the data points. (C) The density of vibrational modes D(ω, Pω) and (D) the overlap q(ω, Pω) is shown as a function of both frequency ω and participation ratio Pω, revealing the presence of a soft extended mode on which most of the response projects. For (A–D), the statistics is done over all 25 families of solutions found in the cooperative task in two dimensions with a periodic boundary. (E) The cumulative overlap on the first r modes with strongest overlap, where r is denoted the rank, is shown. Results are shown both for the cooperative and the geometric tasks, for all dimensions and boundary conditions. To see this figure in color, go online.